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building Kawa with Ant

I've started hacking together a build.xml for building Kawa with Ant.
My first attempt is attached below, but I could do with some help from
people with experience with Ant.  (Jim White offered to do this, but
then I started reading the Ant manual and hacking things together and
shortly I had what you see below!)

The most immediate problem is the "jar" target.  It builds a .jar
file - but one without a single .class files.  Anyone see what I am 
doing wrong?

Of course this Ant file is missing a lot of needed features.   It does 
not handle
any of the optional features of the configure script, leaving out all the
xml-related code (including xquery) and all the jemacs code.  Also,
it has only been tested on Linux, so there may be places that will
break on Windows - and of course WIndows support is the main
point of the exercise!

What does work is that "ant classes" builds enough of the classes that
you can run "java kawa.repl"; and "ant clean" removes all the genaerated
classes etc.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- A build file for use by Ant to build Kawa. -->
<project name="Kawa" default="all">

  <property name="version" value="1.6.97"/>

  <property name="debug" value="true" />
  <property name="deprecation" value="false" />
  <property name="optimize" value="true" />
  <property name="srcdir" value="."/>
  <property name="builddir" value="."/>

  <target name="all" depends="classes,jar"/>

  <target name="classes">
    <copy todir="gnu/lists">
      <fileset dir="gnu/lists"/>
      <mapper type="glob" from="*" to="*.java"/>
        <filter token="if WITHOUT COLLECTIONS" value="/*" />
        <filter token="endif WITHOUT COLLECTIONS" value="*/" />
        <filter token="if WITH COLLECTIONS" value="" />
        <filter token="endif WITH COLLECTIONS" value="" />
        <filter token="-*-Java-*-" value="Automatically generated file - DO NOT EDIT!.  -*- buffer-read-only: t -*-" />
    <javac srcdir="${srcdir}"
           optimize="${optimize}" >
      <include name="gnu/bytecode/"/>
      <include name="gnu/lists/"/>
      <include name="gnu/math/"/>
      <include name="gnu/text/"/>
      <include name="gnu/mapping/"/>
      <include name="gnu/expr/"/>
      <include name="gnu/kawa/functions/"/>
      <include name="gnu/kawa/lispexpr/"/>
      <include name="gnu/kawa/reflect/"/>
      <include name="gnu/commonlisp/lang/"/>
      <include name="kawa/lang/"/>
      <include name="kawa/standard/"/>
      <include name="kawa/*.java"/>

    <java classname="kawa.repl">
      <arg line="-d . -P kawa.lib. --module-static -C"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/std_syntax.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/reflection.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/syntax.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/lists.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/thread.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/characters.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/files.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/keywords.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/ports.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/misc.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/numbers.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/strings.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/vectors.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/uniform.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/system.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/trace.scm"/>
      <arg path="kawa/lib/windows.scm"/>

  <target name="jar">
    <jar jarfile="kawa-${version}.jar" manifest="${srcdir}/jar-manifest">
      <include name="**/*.class"/>

  <target name="clean">
      <fileset dir="gnu/lists" includes=",,,,"/>
      <fileset dir="." includes="**/*.class"/>


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