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Differences between Unix and Windows Kawa?

I just tried remaking Kawa 1.6.94 on my Unix machine (with Per's ModuleExp
patch), and then copied the jar files to the machine I use for Windows,
this being easier than redoing the remake under Windows. Except that it
didn't work. Running kawa.repl -w from the newly-made files failed under
  java.lang.VerifyError: Class gnu/expr/ErrorExp overrides final method
        at kawa.lang.Translator.<clinit>(
        at Code)
        at kawa.repl.apply0(

I can't test the -w flag on the Unix box from where I am, because I've
only got a telnet interface. But java kawa.repl without any flags works
fine on Unix, while on the Windows machine, it prints one blank line
and returns to DOS, without any messages.

I'm wondering why this would be. Presumably the pre-compiled jar file
that you distribute is meant to work under both. The options that I can
see in 'configure' that affect which Java packages get included, or which
versions thereof compiled, are:
  With/without XML support.
  With/without collections.
  With/without AWT.
  With/without Swing.

XML shouldn't affect anything, and it's on anyway; so are Swing and AWT;
collections is off because I want the software I'm developing to run as
widely as possible, but the diagnostics don't look as though they relate
to collections anyway. So might it just be something incompatible between
the two Java compilers (or possibly run-time systems)? Or are there other
differences that I've missed?

Jocelyn Paine
+44 (0)7768 534 091 

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