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Re: Kawa Code Formatting

"Brian D. Carlstrom" <> writes:

> At work we've just said screw it, and we don't allow tabs at all. What
> are they really besides some crappy compression.

I think you're right in this.  There are two options that would work:
(1) *never* use tabs
(2) *always* use tabs

To start with, I'm setting indent-tabs-mode to nil, so it never uses tabs.
This will only affect lines as they are edited / new files, so it
won't break cvs.

The other alternative is to always use tabs, and set the indententation
to the tab width.  At my previous job, I came up with the following
Emacs style.  (This would be added to the end of all Java files, where
Emacs would find it and customize itself for that file.)

// This is for people using the Emacs editor:
// Local Variables:
// c-file-style: "java"
// c-file-offsets: ((substatement-open . 0))
// tab-width: 4
// indent-tabs-mode: t
// End:

I'm not ready to change Kawa over yet.  However, if there is
consensus that this is a good set of settings, then I will accept
contributions of new files with these settings - and if there are
enough requests, I might change Kawa over.
	--Per Bothner

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