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environment problem still happening

Thanks for the suggestion. It is still failing, but failing differently. If
I do this in my code:

        Scheme myInterpreter = Scheme.getInstance();
        myInterpreter . eval (
            "(define (exclude lis exc) "+
                "(if (null? lis) '() "+
                    "(if (not (member (car lis) exc)) "+
                          "(cons (car lis) (exclude (cdr lis) exc)) "+
                          "(exclude (cdr lis) exc))))" );

I get an unbound symbol exception thrown on "null?" instead of "if"

This seems to be basically a documentation issue, as in, I can't find
anything that explains how to set up an interpreter with an environment and
then use it during the lifetime of my program. All I know is that the
behavior has changed. I can read the source, but that is not ideal because
often evaluating a simple expression results in a big stack.


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