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RE: itcl in insight

Hi Patrick,

RHEL has no pre-built package for itcl.
I installed itcl3.4 by "configure; make all; make install". But tcl cannot find it.  I tried to modify to tell tcl the package path of itcl. It fails.
Finally, I added the package loading script to tk/pkgIndex as following. Then everything works fine. Thank you for your help.

# Robert: cannot tell tcl the path of itcl. So I add it here
if {![package vsatisfies [package present Tcl] 8.5]} {return}
package ifneeded Itcl 3.4 [list load [file join $dir .. itcl3.4 ""] Itcl]

package ifneeded Itk 3.4 [list load [file join $dir .. itk3.4 ""] Itk]

package ifneeded Iwidgets 4.0.0 [list source [file join $dir .. iwidgets4.0.0 iwidgets.tcl]]

Best regards.
Robert Bu
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Monnerat [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 9:34 PM
To: Robert Bu;
Subject: RE: itcl in insight

Robert Bu wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Robert,

> I checked the config log in bundle/libgui. The configure script
checked for tcl, tk. However, it seems that it does not check for itcl.

Insight does not need itcl/itk development files at compile time anymore. Thus they are not checked. However you must have the runtime files installed at execution time.

> Build and install is OK here on Redhat Enterprise 6.3 (RHEL-6.3,
x86_64). When I run insight, it complains:
> "Error: can't find package itcl 3.3"

> I tried to install itcl 3.3. It is a quite old version and does not
compile with my TCL (8.5.7). So I installed itcl 3.4.1. Can I tell insight to use my itcl 3.4.1?

The "3.3" is now only the lower version you need. Since Feb 16, insight is more tolerant about versions and package name spellings. If you have git-pulled it recently, it can only be a path problem, not under control of insight.

$ wish
% package require itcl
...     <-- here you have either an error or the itcl installed version.
% package require Itcl
...     <-- here you have either an error or the Itcl installed version.

If both fail, this is definitely a path problem in one of tcl or itcl RHEL package.


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