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Re: Fw: Initialization Commands

You might try starting insight, opening a console window and entering "tk set ::env(INSIGHT_FORCE_READ_PREFERENCES)" to verify that this variable is being set properly in the environment.

I did it but I got an error:

Error: can't read "::env(INSIGHT_FORCE_READ_PREFERENCES)": no such variable

If you also do: "tk $::env(HOME)", what is the result? This is the directory that gdbtk.ini should be located in on windows.

This is what I got:

(gdb) tk $::env(HOME)
Error: invalid command name "C:\Users\help"

You can always force gdb (or insight) to read preferences. Do it in gdb by editing main.c and rebuild/reinstall. For insight, simply edit prefs.tcl.

Did you build your version of insight or did you download it from somewhere?

I download it from somewhere.


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