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Re: Input box does not accept input when I use insight

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 09:56:24 -0800, Richard Quan <> wrote:
> I built insight 6.4 and 6.0 on Fedora 6, when I run it and open the "target
> selection" window, after I select Target "Remote/TCP", I can modify
> "Hostname", but can not modify port number, it does not accept input at all.
> I find I cannot input on some other input boxes too, like "set breakpoint
> at", "command to issue ..." on the same window, and some on other windows. I
> don't know whether it is a system problem, or insight problem. 

Is this solved?

I see exactly same problem and found that disabling
TK_USE_INPUT_METHODS in tk/generic/tk.h can be used as an workaround.

Though I do know what is wrong, it seems all key event on the "Port:"
entry is filtered out by XFilterEvent() in tk/generic/tkEvent.c ...

Atsushi Nemoto

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