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Re: Stop sign ignored while debugging linux pgm

geneSmith wrote, On 3/25/2005 2:52 PM:

I have a program (written by someone else) that I need to look at with gdb. The program runs in a tight loop looking for a keypress and servicing tcp/ip events with select. When the program runs under insight it seems to remove all the oxygen from the insight gui in that the STOP button and other menus are ineffective. The program itself resesponds to the keypresses appropriately. Also, if a window covers the insight gui with the program running under its control it never get redrawn.

When the program runs stand-alone (without insight/gdb) it does not respond to ctrl-c. Do I possibly need some sort of SIGINT handler?

When I write my own test program just looping forever on printf it responds to the STOP button (SIGINT) as expected and stops the program executation as I would expect. But the other program does not.


Found that program had termios flag ISIG forced off. If left on can now at least do ctrl-c in program's xterm and cause insight to halt which is good. However, STOP button (and other menu items in insight) still disabled while program is running. Would be nice if STOP button worked but having ctrl-c respond is next best thing.
ps: Corrected a couple typos in original post above.

Lit up like Levy's

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