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Re: [toplevel patch] delete references to tix

On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 11:18, Alexandre Oliva wrote:

I don't think there's a public release that doens't include tix yet.
Am I mistaken?  If so, I stand corrected, and the patch may very well
go in now.

The last official release, gdb 5.3 had an Insight that still used tix. I don't recommend this version to Insight users, but I see your point
about builds. I guess someone might still need the tix toplevel stuff;
I just left it in out of laziness and because it didn't affect anything.

Alex wrote:

> Maybe it's a bit too early? Consider that someone might create a
unified tree out of the latest stable releases of the tools, as
described in the CrossGCC FAQ IIRC, and then, if it turns out that the
insight release still uses tix, but the toplevel no longer does, we

I think `they loose'. The senario you describe is, at this stage, strictly hypothetical. It only occures if, at some future stage, a binutils or gcc containing this change is made before GDB.

Besides, such edge conditions should be covered by the CrossGCC FAQ (has that really not been changed in >3 years?).


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