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Re: [RFA] quit patch

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Martin M. Hunt wrote:

> SrcWin isa ManagedWin.  ManagedWin's destructor calls gdb_force_quit
> which calls gdbtk_cleanup which calls ManagedWin::shutdown.

Doh! I missed that completely. Argh...

> > So what happens when the user quits?
> How?  There are 3 different ways for the user to quit.  Clicking the
> closebox on the source window calls Srcwin::_exit.  Selecting the menu
> item "Exit" will do the same thing as Srcwin:_exit with my patch.

Ooohh. I see. I think.

> You are welcome to give it a shot if you are bored.

No, thanks! I just wanted some confusion over what was happening and why
straightened out. That's all. I'm really not trying to be antagonistic.

> Again, all my patch does is make the menu item "Exit" do the same thing
> as closing the last source window.
> body SrcWin::_exit {} {
>   debug
>   if {[llength [ManagedWin::find SrcWin]] == 1} {
>     if {![gdbtk_quit_check]} {
>       return
>     }
>   }
>   after idle [delete object $this]
> }
> proc gdbtk_force_quit {} {
>   foreach win [ManagedWin::find SrcWin] {
>     delete object $win
>   }
>   # not really necessary because closing the source window will
>   # cause this to happen, but here it is just in case.
>   gdb_force_quit
> }

Ok, I think I get it.

By all means, check this in. (And thank you for being patient and
explaining this to me. Lord knows I don't want to see what is happening
over on the gdb list happen here.)


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