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Re: potential tix build problem

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Jonathan Larmour wrote:

> > That makes sense because
> > lives in ${TCL_BIN_DIR} so how would an extension know how to
> > load ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/ if it did not know what
> > TCL_BIN_DIR was?
> Then why does the variable exist at all? Perhaps just to give location
> independence to (hah!).

Beats me. The TCL_BIN_DIR is going to record the build bin dir
anyway, so it is not like it would help once installed.
> > I just took a peek at the 8.0 code on sources and it seems to set
> > TCL_BIN_DIR in unix/ This seems to be an
> > ill advised cygnus local change. This change does not appear
> > in the 8.3 upgrade so I would advise against adding the patch.
> > It seems like setting TCL_BIN_DIR in the tix configure script
> > is the right fix for this problem.
> TCL_BIN_DIR is already set and AC_SUBST'd in tix/unix/tk8.0. Perhaps than
> the change should be either to remove the setting of TCL_BIN_DIR from
> tcl/unix/, or to move the set of TCL_BIN_DIR to beneath the
> execution of

I think the correct fix is to remove the TCL_BIN_DIR from 
unix/ I was just looking around and found
another src/tcl/cygwin/ which also does
not set TCL_BIN_DIR in I don't even see
a file in the win subdir. Of course,
I am not sure that such a change would not break some
other package.

> All I was doing was trying to make the unix build process similar to the
> win one, which has this solved. So if you're saying this method is wrong,
> it means the AC_SUBST in tcl/win/ should be removed too.

Humm, it looks like the win version just uses the
from the unix subdir. I don't see any other files in the
tcl/win subdir that make use of the TCL_BIN_DIR subst.

> If you think that's what should happen, I'll make the patch.

Well, I think that is the right fix. Of course, if this is
not really broken perhaps it would be better to just
leave it alone for now. We are going to be doing the
Tcl/Tk 8.3 merge in the next couple of weeks. Perhaps
we could just put the pain off until then.


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