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Re: how to dbg a java pgm ?

hi tom,

so once i use gcj to compile we have access to the full gdb features as
any other language ?


On 20 Jun 2001, Tom Tromey wrote:

-- >>>>> "ben" == bciceron  <> writes:
-- ben> i cannot figure out how to dbg java program :-(
-- ben> i force the language with :
-- ben> set language java
-- ben> but
-- ben> using the .class is not the right format obviously.
-- This is only useful if you are debugging a Java program compiled with
-- `gcj' to native code.  You can't debug interpreted Java programs with
-- this.  In fact you can't debug interpreted Java programs with gdb at
-- all.  (You can debug the interpreter, but that is different.)
-- Once upon a time there was code around to let gdb use JVMDI to debug
-- interpreted Java programs.  However, due to a logistical snafu, this
-- code isn't in the main line of gdb and I'm told it would be a lot of
-- work to reintegrate it.
-- Tom

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