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Would you please help me about arm-elf-gdb.

I'm Song QiangHua from Nanjing, China.

Thank you very much for your arm-elf-gdb, it is very useful when I
debug my arm source code.

But now I want to add a 10 micro second timer interrupt in my arm source 
code, I can't find the timer interrupt process in arm-elf-gdb source 
code, does it surport timer interrupt.

If not, would you please give me some sugesstion for how to add a 
timer interrupt.

Now I have done it as following:

In file "armemu.c" 

ARMul_Emulate32 (register ARMul_State * state)
	ARMword interrupt_pc;
	/* "ProTimerInterrupt()" will check the time of my computer, if 10 micro second
		passed, then it returns the address of timer interrupt function, otherwise
		return 0 */
	interrupt_pc = ProTimerInterrupt();
	if( interrupt_pc!=0 )
		state->Reg[14] = state->Reg[15]; 	/*back up current pc*/
		state->Reg[15] = intpc;				/*pointer pc to the timer interrup function */
		//state->NextInstr = RESUME;
		state->NextInstr |= PRIMEPIPE;


It seems can run the timer interrupt function, and return correctly,
but until now I have found two problems.

1. when in function "return -1;", it will not return -1, but return 0; sometimes.
	if I disable timer interrupt, it will return -1 correctly.
	I think when run "return -1;" and one timer interrupt occured, the register 0
	will change to 0.
	int _get_tick( void )
			return tick; //will not stop at here
		return -1;			//will return from here, but sometimes return 0;
	//call position
	int ti;
	ti = _get_tick();
	if( ti!=-1 )
		...					//sometimes ti is not -1, and stop here
2. In a function, it will return before function end and return sentence.
	I set the break at all return point in the function, but it will not stop, but
	returned, I'm not sure where does it return.
	If I disable timer interrupt, it runs all right, If i run it next by next, it
	runs all right.
	int _get_timer( void )
			return 0;  //will not stop here but returned
		return x;		//will not stop here but returned I'm not sure where it returned


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