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Re: Again: No GUI with ARM AEB-1

Wilzon L wrote:
> Background:
> OS: Red-Hat-Linux 6.1 (Full install)
> First I downloaded ecos (ecosSWtools-arm-990321-src.tar.gz)and
> extracted and built it successfully.
> Finally I extracted the ecos-1.2.1.tar.gz.
> I downloaded the GDB-stub onto the AEB-1 and installed
> it on the FLASH.
> Now if I use $arm-elf-gdb -nw hello (hello.c is in the
> examples dir of eCos)
> everything works fine, but from now on I would
> like to activate the Insight-GUI for GDB.

One little question: is insight in your ecos executable? What happens
when you omit the "-nw" parameter? ("nw" == "n"o "w"indows, aka, no

> Ok, so I downloaded insight-20000204.tar.bz2 and
> from /tmp/insight-20000204 I invoked ./configure
> and then 'make install' which put some binaries
> into /usr/local/bin

I just sent you a note about how to rebuild the snapshot based on your
target. When you use just "./configure", you are implicitly telling the
sources to rebuild themselves for your host (linux). You want to add the
"--target=arm-elf" flag to configure to tell the sources that you want
an arm-elf debugger running on linux.

> Here I must say I'm a little bit confused because on my system
> there must be 3 different GDB:s. Namely:
> 1. arm-elf-gdb

Probably your eCos gdb (which may not have Insight in it).

> 2. gdb (v4.18) (native?)
Yes, this is your native gdb that came with RedHat 6.1. It is installed
in /usr/bin. It does not contain Insight.

> 3. gdb (insight with GUI)
The one you just built from the snapshot.

> Using $/usr/local/bin/gdb with binaries built with
> arm-elf-gcc gives some output about not compatible
> with i686-pc-linux-gnu.

Right: you built a linux debugger, not an arm-elf debugger which runs on
linux hosts.

> The 'Getting Started With eCos' chap 13 has a small note
> about the '-nw' option saying that without it insight-GUI
> would be invoked. Well it doesn't. How could it? The
> insight-20000204.tar.bz2 hasn't been built for ARM AEB-1.
> So finally my question is: How do I make the Insight-gdb
> work with 'ARM AEB-1' ?

Cygnus (now RedHat) has a URL which describes the procedure:

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