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Re: How do you start insight

martinj wrote:

> Just purchased GNUPro C,C++.
> As near as I can tell it installed OK.
> It appears to have installed a bunch
> of stuff I already had with RedHat 6.1
> with the exception of this Insight Viusal
> Debugger.
> Although the docs spend a great deal of
> time talking about it, I can't figure out how
> to start the damn  thing.
> Could one of you spot me a clue?
> Nice to spend $80 bucks for something
> you already had all along.  I'll be more
> careful next time... Nice scam Cygnus

It is no scam.  You are free to get the sources and build everything
yourself.  I'm sure there will be a statement somewhere on the cygnus
web site letting you know this.

When I build Insight from the sources I use "gdb" to start insight.  I'm
not sure if it is renamed with GNUPro ?  Make sure it picks up the
correct gdb and not the original one you had.  Use <path/gdb> if
necessary.  I generally put a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin to point
to the correct gdb.  You can rename it if you like.

Brendan Simon.

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