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Re: GOOPS question (bug?)

Nicolas Neuss <Nicolas.Neuss@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De> writes:

> * 1. In contrast to the earlier version, not error is signaled when
>      overloading e.g. + without defining it as a generic function
>      first.  Nevertheless, it does not work:

Primitive methods take precedence in primitive generics.  You can not
shadow such methods.

> * 2. < and > behave different in this respect.  Why?

This is a bug in libguile/numbers.c.

> * 3. GOOPS becomes very slow when generating more generic functions
>      or methods, e.g.
> (use-modules (oop goops))
> (define-generic aa)
> (define-generic ab)

This is a newly introduced bug in the dispatch mechanism---every time
make is called, the method cache of `make' grows because the method
lookup mechanism doesn't find the proper method.

Will take care of these bugs tomorrow.

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