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more guile for perl refugees (split, join)

	Shortly after reading Dirk Herrmann's wonderful little tutorial on
a perl-like readdir and grep, I had a need for guile procedures
resembling some of my other favorite perl builtins.
	Inspired by that example, I determined to clean them up in hopes
that they might make useful examples or even become a part of a
"recovering perl programmer's guile toolkit."

	Below are two complete guile programs, split.scm and join.scm,
that implement and test the split and join procedures.

	Perhaps "split" could even have a more guile-styled name like
seperate-string-discarding-regexp, and join would be

Seperate these files at the appropriate point - sorry if
mime-attachements, sharfiles, or somthing else would be preferable on the

; split: 
; devide a string into fields, on boundaries determined by a regular expression
; The fields are returned as a list. Split is intended to be like my
; most common usage of the perl function of the same name.
; Leading and trailing null fields are always discarded.
; by Steve Tell <>

(debug-enable 'debug 'backtrace)
(read-enable 'positions)
(use-modules (ice-9 regex))

; First come several early attempts that evolve into the version to keep.
; Read these only if you're a scheme newcommer like me and want to see the
; evolution.
; my first working version of the recursive part of split.

(define (split-recursive1 r s)
  (let ((m (regexp-exec r s)))
    (if (not m)
	(if (< 0 (string-length s))
	    (cons s '())
	(if (< 0 (string-length (match:prefix m)))
	    (cons (match:prefix m) (split-recursive1 r (match:suffix m)))
	    (split-recursive1 r (match:suffix m))))))

; next, attempt to rewrite split-recursive with the "loop" named-let construct.

(define (split-recursive2 r str)
  (let loop ((s str))
    (let ((m (regexp-exec r s)))
      (if (not m)
	  (if (< 0 (string-length s))
	      (cons s '())
	  (if (< 0 (string-length (match:prefix m)))
	      (cons (match:prefix m) (loop (match:suffix m)))
	      (loop (match:suffix m))))

; apply "result" trick to allow tail-recursion elimination.
; You might ask, does this really help that much?  Doesn't "reverse" require
; stack proportional to the list length anyway?
; No, it doesn't, because reverse is written in C and fiddles the pointers
; directly.  Even better, we can use the destructive form, "reverse!", which
; flips the cells around in-place instead of creating a new list.

(define (split-recursive r str)
  (let loop ((s str)
	     (result '()))
    (let ((m (regexp-exec r s)))
      (if (not m)
	  (if (< 0 (string-length s))
	      (cons s result)
	  (if (< 0 (string-length (match:prefix m)))
	      (loop (match:suffix m) (cons (match:prefix m) result))
	      (loop (match:suffix m) result)))

; This helper procedure or a similar one is required for each of the
; versions of split-recursive above
(define-public (split1 re str)
  (let ((r (make-regexp re)))
    (reverse! (split-recursive r str))))

; Lastly, we remove the helper-procedure, resulting in a final
; "production" version of "split"

(define (split re str)
  (let ((r (make-regexp re)))
    (let loop ((s str)
	       (result '()))
      (let ((m (regexp-exec r s)))
	(if (not m)
	    (if (< 0 (string-length s))
		(reverse! (cons s result))
		(reverse! result))
	    (if (< 0 (string-length (match:prefix m)))
		(loop (match:suffix m) (cons (match:prefix m) result))
		(loop (match:suffix m) result)))

; And, here's a version that allows null fields at the beginning or end 
; to produce a null string in the returned list.

(define (split-nullok re str)
  (let ((r (make-regexp re)))
    (let loop ((s str)
	       (result '()))
      (let ((m (regexp-exec r s)))
	(if (not m)
	    (reverse! (cons s result))
	    (loop (match:suffix m) (cons (match:prefix m) result)))))))

; The rest of this file is a test harness for split.

(define (print-to-port port . l)
    (for-each (lambda (elem) (display elem port)) l))

(define (print . l)
    (apply print-to-port (cons (current-output-port) l)))

; Print a list, whose elements are assumed to be strings.
; elements surrounded with double-quotes to make whitespace eaiser to see.
(define (stringlist-print l)
  (print "(")
  (for-each (lambda (e)
	      (print " \"" e "\""))
  (print " )"))

(define (test-split r s)
  (print "split        \"" s "\" --> ")
  (stringlist-print (split r s))
  (print "\n")

  (print "split-nullok \"" s "\" --> ")
  (stringlist-print (split-nullok r s))
  (print "\n")


(test-split "[ \t\n]+" "abc def \taabbc" )
(test-split "[ \t\n]+" "abc    aabbc"    )
(test-split "[ \t\n]+" "abc"             )
(test-split "[ \t\n]+" " abc def"        )
(test-split "[ \t\n]+" "abc def "        )

; end of split.scm

; join.scm

(debug-enable 'debug 'backtrace)
(read-enable 'positions)

; join - a procedure like the perl function "join:"
; concatenate list of strings, putting a seperator string between each
; element of the list.
; by Steve Tell <>

(define (join s l)
  (cond ((null? l)     "")
	((= 1 (length l))     (car l))
	(else (string-append (car l) s (join s (cdr l))))))

; The rest of this file contains a test harness for join

(define (print-to-port port . l)
    (for-each (lambda (elem) (display elem port)) l))

(define (print . l)
    (apply print-to-port (cons (current-output-port) l)))

(define (stringlist-print l)
  (print "(")
  (for-each (lambda (e)
	      (print " \"" e "\""))
  (print " )"))

(define (test-join sep lst)
  (print "join \"" sep "\" ")
  (stringlist-print lst)
  (print " --> \"" (join sep lst) "\"\n")

(test-join "/" '("one" "two" "three"))
(test-join "::" '("one" "two" "three"))
(test-join ":" '("one"))
(test-join ":" '())

; end of join.scm

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