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Re: restartable system calls under Linux

I am at a loss.

signal *does* restart
sigaction with SA_RESTART restarts
sigaction without SA_RESTART does *not* restart

And Yet:

guile> (= (logand (cdr (sigaction SIGWINCH)) SA_RESTART) SA_RESTART)
ERROR: In procedure fport_fill_input:
ERROR: Interrupted system call
ABORT: (system-error)

(after changing window size)

If I add a siginterrupt(SIGWINCH, 0) or
    struct sigaction action;

    sigaction(SIGWINCH, 0, &action);
    action.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART;
    sigaction(SIGWINCH, &action, 0);
before the read() in fport_fill_input, things work fine!

It looks like something somewhere is turning off SA_RESTART.



Dale P. Smith
Altus Technologies Corp.
400-746-9000 x309

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