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testsuite anomalies


I just have added a guile testsuite version of my list tests, when
suddenly a whole lot more of tests fail, especially in the ports test 
suite.  If I take those tests out again, everyting is fine.  I enclose the
list.test file that I used.

The standard summary (the standard two fails on solaris) as long as my
tests are not added to the test suite:

------------------- start ------------------
FAIL: ports.test: non-blocking-I/O
FAIL: time.test: strftime %Z doesn't return garbage

Totals for this test run:
passes:               818
failures:             2
unexpected passes:    0
expected failures:    9
errors:               0
-------------------  end ------------------- 

And for my greg-style file as it stands for itself I get the following
additional data by running it with greg:

------------------- start ------------------
FAIL: append!: wrong argument: improper list and empty list
FAIL: append!: wrong argument: improper list and list
FAIL: append!: wrong argument: list, improper list and list
Exception: (misc-error last-pair Circular structure in position 1: ~S ((1 2 3 . #1#)) #f)
UNRESOLVED: append!: wrong argument: circular list and empty list
Exception: (misc-error last-pair Circular structure in position 1: ~S ((1 2 3 . #1#)) #f)
UNRESOLVED: append!: wrong argument: circular list and list
Exception: (misc-error last-pair Circular structure in position 1: ~S ((3 4 5 . #1#)) #f)
UNRESOLVED: append!: wrong argument: list, circular list and list

                === Summary of all tests ===

# of expected passes       19
# of unexpected failures   3
# of unresolved testcases  3
-------------------  end ------------------- 

After putting my tests into the guile suite (i. e. I changed the
identifiers from greg-expect-pass to pass-if and added layers of
with-test-prefix, but did not prevent for error checking yet.)

------------------- start ------------------
FAIL: list.test: append!: wrong argument: improper list and empty list
FAIL: list.test: append!: wrong argument: improper list and list
FAIL: list.test: append!: wrong argument: list, improper list and list
ERROR in test list.test:
ERROR: In procedure last-pair:
ERROR: Circular structure in position 1: (1 2 3 . #1#)
FAIL: ports.test: non-blocking-I/O
ERROR in test ports.test:
ERROR: In procedure waitpid:
ERROR: No child processes
FAIL: ports.test: no newline: line counter: pipe: read first character
FAIL: ports.test: no newline: line counter: pipe: read first newline
FAIL: ports.test: no newline: line counter: pipe: after reading first newline char
FAIL: ports.test: no newline: line counter: pipe: second line read correctly
FAIL: ports.test: no newline: line counter: pipe: read-line increments line number
FAIL: ports.test: no newline: line counter: pipe: line count is 5 at EOF
FAIL: ports.test: no newline: line counter: pipe: column is correct at EOF
FAIL: time.test: strftime %Z doesn't return garbage

Totals for this test run:
passes:               807
failures:             5
unexpected passes:    0
expected failures:    9
errors:               2

FAIL: time.test: strftime %Z doesn't return garbage

Totals for this test run:
passes:               830
failures:             12
unexpected passes:    0
expected failures:    9
errors:               1
-------------------  end ------------------- 

I think this is surprising.

Best regards
Dirk Herrmann
;;;; list.scm --- tests guile's lists     -*- scheme -*-
;;;; Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;;;; any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;;;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
;;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
;;;; As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
;;;; for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE.
;;;; The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files
;;;; to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
;;;; resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
;;;; Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
;;;; linking the GUILE library code into it.
;;;; This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
;;;; the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
;;;; This exception applies only to the code released by the
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;;;; code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
;;;; GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
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;;;; If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice
;;;; whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
;;;; If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.  

(use-modules (ice-9 doc))

;;; miscellaneous

;; This unique tag is reserved for the unroll and diff-unrolled functions.

(define circle-indicator 
  (cons 'circle 'indicator))

;; Extract every single scheme object that is contained within OBJ into a new
;; data structure.  That means, if OBJ somewhere contains a pair, the newly
;; created structure holds a reference to the pair as well as references to
;; the car and cdr of that pair.  For vectors, the newly created structure
;; holds a reference to that vector as well as references to every element of
;; that vector.  Since this is done recursively, the original data structure
;; is deeply unrolled.  If there are circles within the original data
;; structures, every reference that points backwards into the data structure
;; is denoted by storing the circle-indicator tag as well as the object the
;; circular reference points to.

(define (unroll obj)
  (let unroll* ((objct obj)
                (hist '()))
     (let loop ((object objct)
                (histry hist)
                (result '()))
       (if (memq object histry)
           (cons (cons circle-indicator object) result)
           (let ((history (cons object histry)))
             (cond ((pair? object)
                    (loop (cdr object) history
                          (cons (cons object (unroll* (car object) history))
                   ((vector? object)
                    (cons (cons object 
                                (map (lambda (x)
                                       (unroll* x history))
                                     (vector->list object))) 
                   (else (cons object result)))))))))

;; Compare two data-structures that were generated with unroll.  If any of the
;; elements found not to be eq?, return a pair that holds the position of the
;; first found differences of the two data structures.  If all elements are
;; found to be eq?, #f is returned.

(define (diff-unrolled a b)
  (cond ;; has everything been compared already?
        ((and (null? a) (null? b))
	;; do both structures still contain elements?
	((and (pair? a) (pair? b))
	 (cond ;; are the next elements both plain objects?
	       ((and (not (pair? (car a))) (not (pair? (car b))))
		(if (eq? (car a) (car b))
		    (diff-unrolled (cdr a) (cdr b))
		    (cons a b)))
	       ;; are the next elements both container objects?
	       ((and (pair? (car a)) (pair? (car b)))
		(if (eq? (caar a) (caar b))
		    (cond ;; do both objects close a circular structure?
			  ((eq? circle-indicator (caar a))
			   (if (eq? (cdar a) (cdar b))
			       (diff-unrolled (cdr a) (cdr b))
			       (cons a b)))
			  ;; do both objects hold a vector?
		          ((vector? (caar a))
			   (or (let loop ((a1 (cdar a)) (b1 (cdar b)))
				  ((and (null? a1) (null? b1))
				  ((and (pair? a1) (pair? b1))
				   (or (diff-unrolled (car a1) (car b1))
				       (loop (cdr a1) (cdr b1))))
				   (cons a1 b1))))
			       (diff-unrolled (cdr a) (cdr b))))
			  ;; do both objects hold a pair?
			   (or (diff-unrolled (cdar a) (cdar b))
			       (diff-unrolled (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
		    (cons a b)))
		(cons a b))))
	 (cons a b))))

;;; list

;;; list*

;;; null?

;;; list?

;;; length

;;; append

;;; append!

(with-test-prefix "append!"

 ;; Is documentation available?

 (pass-if "documented?"
   (let ((documented #f))
       (lambda ()
	 (set! documented (documentation 'append!))))

 ;; Is the handling of empty lists as arguments correct?

 (pass-if "with no arguments"
   (eq? (append!) 

 (pass-if "with empty list argument"
   (eq? (append! '()) 

 (pass-if "with some empty list arguments"
   (eq? (append! '() '() '()) 

 ;; Does the last non-empty-list argument remain unchanged?

 (pass-if "some empty lists with non-empty list"
   (let* ((foo (list 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (tst (append! '() '() '() foo))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst)))
     (and (eq? tst foo)
	  (not (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))))

 (pass-if "some empty lists with improper list"
   (let* ((foo (cons 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (tst (append! '() '() '() foo))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst)))
     (and (eq? tst foo)
	  (not (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))))

 (pass-if "some empty lists with circular list"
   (let ((foo (list 1 2)))
     (set-cdr! (cdr foo) (cdr foo))
     (let* ((foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	    (tst (append! '() '() '() foo))
	    (tst-unrolled (unroll tst)))
       (and (eq? tst foo)
	    (not (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled))))))

 (pass-if "some empty lists with non list object"
   (let* ((foo (vector 1 2 3))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (tst (append! '() '() '() foo))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst)))
     (and (eq? tst foo)
	  (not (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))))

 (pass-if "non-empty list between empty lists"
   (let* ((foo (list 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (tst (append! '() '() '() foo '() '() '()))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst)))
     (and (eq? tst foo)
	  (not (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))))

 ;; Are arbitrary lists append!ed correctly?

 (pass-if "two one-element lists"
   (let* ((foo (list 1))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (bar (list 2))
	  (bar-unrolled (unroll bar))
	  (tst (append! foo bar))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst))
	  (diff-foo-tst (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))
     (and (equal? tst '(1 2))
	  (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-tst) (unroll '())))
	  (not (diff-unrolled bar-unrolled (cdr diff-foo-tst))))))

 (pass-if "three one-element lists"
   (let* ((foo (list 1))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (bar (list 2))
	  (bar-unrolled (unroll bar))
	  (baz (list 3))
	  (baz-unrolled (unroll baz))
	  (tst (append! foo bar baz))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst))
	  (diff-foo-tst (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))
     (and (equal? tst '(1 2 3))
	  (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-tst) (unroll '())))
	  (let* ((tst-unrolled-2 (cdr diff-foo-tst))
		 (diff-foo-bar (diff-unrolled bar-unrolled tst-unrolled-2)))
	    (and (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-bar) (unroll '())))
		 (not (diff-unrolled baz-unrolled (cdr diff-foo-bar))))))))

 (pass-if "two two-element lists"
   (let* ((foo (list 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (bar (list 3 4))
	  (bar-unrolled (unroll bar))
	  (tst (append! foo bar))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst))
	  (diff-foo-tst (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))
     (and (equal? tst '(1 2 3 4))
	  (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-tst) (unroll '())))
	  (not (diff-unrolled bar-unrolled (cdr diff-foo-tst))))))

 (pass-if "three two-element lists"
   (let* ((foo (list 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (bar (list 3 4))
	  (bar-unrolled (unroll bar))
	  (baz (list 5 6))
	  (baz-unrolled (unroll baz))
	  (tst (append! foo bar baz))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst))
	  (diff-foo-tst (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))
     (and (equal? tst '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
	  (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-tst) (unroll '())))
	  (let* ((tst-unrolled-2 (cdr diff-foo-tst))
		 (diff-foo-bar (diff-unrolled bar-unrolled tst-unrolled-2)))
	    (and (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-bar) (unroll '())))
		 (not (diff-unrolled baz-unrolled (cdr diff-foo-bar))))))))

 (pass-if "empty list between non-empty lists"
   (let* ((foo (list 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (bar (list 3 4))
	  (bar-unrolled (unroll bar))
	  (baz (list 5 6))
	  (baz-unrolled (unroll baz))
	  (tst (append! foo '() bar '() '() baz '() '() '()))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst))
	  (diff-foo-tst (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))
     (and (equal? tst '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
	  (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-tst) (unroll '())))
	  (let* ((tst-unrolled-2 (cdr diff-foo-tst))
		 (diff-foo-bar (diff-unrolled bar-unrolled tst-unrolled-2)))
	    (and (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-bar) (unroll '())))
		 (not (diff-unrolled baz-unrolled (cdr diff-foo-bar))))))))

 (pass-if "list and improper list"
   (let* ((foo (list 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (bar (cons 3 4))
	  (bar-unrolled (unroll bar))
	  (tst (append! foo bar))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst))
	  (diff-foo-tst (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))
     (and (equal? tst '(1 2 3 . 4))
	  (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-tst) (unroll '())))
	  (not (diff-unrolled bar-unrolled (cdr diff-foo-tst))))))

 (pass-if "list and circular list"
   (let* ((foo (list 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (bar (list 3 4 5)))
     (set-cdr! (cddr bar) (cdr bar))
     (let* ((bar-unrolled (unroll bar))
	    (tst (append! foo bar))
	    (tst-unrolled (unroll tst))
	    (diff-foo-tst (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))
       (and (equal? (map (lambda (n x) (eqv? (list-ref tst n) x)) 
			 (iota 9)
			 '(1 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5))
		    '(#t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t))
	    (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-tst) (unroll '())))
	    (not (diff-unrolled bar-unrolled (cdr diff-foo-tst)))))))

 (pass-if "list and non list object"
   (let* ((foo (list 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (bar (vector 3 4))
	  (bar-unrolled (unroll bar))
	  (tst (append! foo bar))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst))
	  (diff-foo-tst (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))
     (and (equal? tst '(1 2 . #(3 4)))
	  (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-tst) (unroll '())))
	  (not (diff-unrolled bar-unrolled (cdr diff-foo-tst))))))

 (pass-if "several arbitrary lists"
   (equal? (append! (list 1 2) 
		    (list (list 3) 4) 
		    (list (list 5) (list 6))
		    (list 7 (cons 8 9))
		    (list 10 11)
		    (list (cons 12 13) 14)
		    (list (list)))
	   (list 1 2 
		 (list 3) 4 
		 (list 5) (list 6) 
		 7 (cons 8 9) 
		 10 11 
		 (cons 12 13) 
		 14 (list))))

 (pass-if "list to itself"
   (let* ((foo (list 1 2))
	  (foo-unrolled (unroll foo))
	  (tst (append! foo foo))
	  (tst-unrolled (unroll tst))
	  (diff-foo-tst (diff-unrolled foo-unrolled tst-unrolled)))
     (and (equal? (map (lambda (n x) (eqv? (list-ref tst n) x)) 
		       (iota 6)
		       '(1 2 1 2 1 2))
		  '(#t #t #t #t #t #t))
	  (not (diff-unrolled (car diff-foo-tst) (unroll '())))
	  (eq? (caar (cdr diff-foo-tst)) circle-indicator)
	  (eq? (cdar (cdr diff-foo-tst)) foo))))

 ;; Are wrong type arguments detected correctly?

 (with-test-prefix "wrong argument"

  (pass-if "improper list and empty list"
    (catch 'wrong-type-arg
	   (lambda () 
	     (append! (cons 1 2) '())
	   (lambda (key . args) 

  (pass-if "improper list and list"
    (catch 'wrong-type-arg
	   (lambda () 
	     (append! (cons 1 2) (list 3 4))
	   (lambda (key . args)

  (pass-if "list, improper list and list"
    (catch 'wrong-type-arg
	   (lambda () 
	     (append! (list 1 2) (cons 3 4) (list 5 6))
	   (lambda (key . args)

  (pass-if "circular list and empty list"
    (let ((foo (list 1 2 3)))
      (set-cdr! (cddr foo) (cdr foo))
      (catch 'wrong-type-arg
	     (lambda ()
	       (append! foo '())
	     (lambda (key . args)

  (pass-if "circular list and list"
    (let ((foo (list 1 2 3)))
      (set-cdr! (cddr foo) (cdr foo))
      (catch 'wrong-type-arg
	     (lambda ()
	       (append! foo (list 4 5))
	     (lambda (key . args)

  (pass-if "list, circular list and list"
    (let ((foo (list 3 4 5)))
      (set-cdr! (cddr foo) (cdr foo))
      (catch 'wrong-type-arg
	     (lambda ()
	       (append! (list 1 2) foo (list 6 7))
	     (lambda (key . args)

;;; last-pair

;;; reverse

;;; reverse!

;;; list-ref

;;; list-set!

;;; list-cdr-ref

;;; list-tail

;;; list-cdr-set!

;;; list-head

;;; list-copy

;;; sloppy-memq

;;; sloppy-memv

;;; sloppy-member

;;; memq

;;; memv

;;; member

;;; delq!

;;; delv!

;;; delete!

;;; delq

;;; delv

;;; delete

;;; delq1!

;;; delv1!

;;; delete1!

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