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Re: Dump float support?

Mikael Djurfeldt <> wrote:
> Having to deal with both floats and doubles makes the code more
> complex.  The old reason for computing with floats, that they could be
> stored in a single cell, is no longer valid, since also doubles now
> will be stored in a single cell.  The speed advantage of computing
> with floats is shadowed by the cost of administrating an extra float
> type (we need to test for floats everywhere, including in the GC).

> We will still keep uniform float vectors, though.  Values will be
> converted to doubles when accessing the vectors.  (Again, this won't
> cost more than previously, since we also previously had to allocated a
> cell for the value.)

As long as you preserve uniform float vectors I'm happy. I use them
a lot, just to save space.

	Best regards
	Roland Orre

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