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Question to ilisp/guile


I have several questions to those who use the ilisp package together
with Guile.  I installed ilisp-5.9.4 (, copied
parts of "ilisp.emacs" to my .emacs-file, and tried to start.
Unfortunately, almost nothing is working as desired.  For example:

- when I want to type in the *guile* buffer an expression like (+
...), I get immediately the error

Symbol's value as variable is void: ilisp-print-info-message-command

- when I want to evaluate an expression I get

Symbol's value as variable is void: ilisp-hash-form-regexp

It seems as if those variables should be set in the file
"ilisp-5.9.4/ilisp-sch.el", where only rudimentary settings are done
in my version:

;;; guile - this needs a lot more work
;;; with hacks from Istvan Marko <>

(defdialect guile "Guile - the GNU extension language (experimental)"
  ;; (setq ilisp-program "guile") ;assume scheme is in path.
  ;; (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^guile> ")
  (setq ilisp-package-regexp "^[ \t]*\\s(define-module \\((.*)\\))"
	ilisp-package-command "(module-name %s)"
	ilisp-in-package-command "(set-current-module %s)"
	ilisp-package-name-command "(module-name (current-module))"
	;; just using %s does not seem to work: eval'ing exps hangs
	ilisp-eval-command "(eval-string \"%s\")"
	ilisp-directory-command "(getcwd)"
	ilisp-set-directory-command "(chdir \"%s\")"
	"(map (lambda (sym) (list (symbol->string sym)))
              (apropos-internal \"^%s\"))"

Now the main question: does anyone of you have a configuration which
works reasonably well?  If yes, would you mail your configuration
files (.emacs, ilisp-sch.el)?

Thank you, Nico.

Here also the relevant part of my .emacs:

(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "/usr/local/ilisp-5.9.4")
(require 'completer)
(autoload 'clisp-hs   "ilisp"
  "Inferior Haible/Stoll CLISP Common Lisp." t)
(setq clisp-hs-program "clisp -I")
(autoload 'guile      "ilisp" "Inferior GUILE Scheme." t)
(setq guile-program "guile")
(set-default 'auto-mode-alist
	     (append '(("\\.lisp$" . lisp-mode)
                       ("\\.lsp$" . lisp-mode)
                       ("\\.cl$" . lisp-mode))
(setq lisp-mode-hook '(lambda () (require 'ilisp)))
(set-default 'auto-mode-alist
             (append '(("\\.scm$" . scheme-mode)
                       ("\\.ss$" . scheme-mode)
                       ("\\.stk$" . scheme-mode)
                       ("\\.stklos$" . scheme-mode))
(setq scheme-mode-hook '(lambda () (require 'ilisp)))
(add-hook 'ilisp-load-hook
          '(lambda ()
             (setq ilisp-prefix "\C-c")
             (defkey-ilisp "" 'common-lisp-hyperspec)
             (message "Running ilisp-load-hook")
             (add-hook 'ilisp-init-hook
                       '(lambda ()
                          (default-directory-lisp ilisp-last-buffer)))

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