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small bug in guile-scsh


It seems, I've found a small bug in guile-scsh. 
Namely, when I tried to use constructions like
	(run (cat in_file) (> out_file))
I got the error
	"undefined variable shell-open"

I found in the original distribution of scsh the following
definitions, which I think is worth to add to the end of

;;;;=====>>>>> to be added to the end of syscall.scm <<<<<<<==== 
(define (shell-open path flags fdes)
  (move->fdes (open-fdes (stringify path) flags #o666) fdes))

(define open/create+trunc
  (bitwise-ior open/write (bitwise-ior open/create open/truncate)))

(define open/write+append+create
  (bitwise-ior open/write
               (bitwise-ior  open/append open/create)))
;;;;=====>>>>>          end of addition              <<<<<<<==== 

Best regards,