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Re: expect module

Allover Stripes <>
> You may want to look in the guile-lang-allover package.  The tools you
> need are all there, in a dreadfully messy form.  It includes, among
> other things, a packaging of those Rx functions, an NFA->DFA
> transformer, a parser (lazy parser generator?) and a complete
> programming language implemented using the above.  Unfortunately, the
> package as a whole is rather slow.  However, it's a *big* DFA that's
> being constructed, and a *big* regular expression that the Rx package
> is being asked to handle.  Slow is also measured on a 386.  

Sounds interesting. Where is that package? Is it related to the
guile-rgx-ctax module in the CVS server, which seems
to have some grammar->dfa compilers?

I'd suppose that making the nd-to-d (nfa-to-dfa) transformer a macro
which replaced the nfa with a letrec producing the dfa could
help. Then if you had something to expand macros and printout the
"raw" scheme, or you compiled the code, you'd only need to spend CPU
in the conversion once after modifications to source code.

Marko Kohtala -,