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Re: Scheme is too complicated

On Mon, Oct 26, 1998 at 02:10:11PM -0800, David Welton wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 1998 at 11:17:54AM -0500, Russell McManus wrote:
> > 
> > See for a Sybase dblib interface for guile.
> Before everyone goes off and writes drivers for their favorite DB,
> would it not be a good idea to learn from history, and try and create
> a standard sort of DB interface, like Perl's DBI?  I think Python has
> something like this as well...  Things would be easier if we did this
> now, instead of writing a zillion different drivers willy nilly.

I think a lot of people have their own custom database access routines.
Russ' posting was in respons to a request I made of hime because I'd like
to get all of these interfaces into the public eye so that an API can be 
debated.  While this is going on, I'd be one happy camper to work on this.

IMHO let's see what ideas have been employed usefully so far, and then
build them all into an interface - I think the minimal interface is what
squile currently supports - sql-create, sql-query, and sql-destroy. 
Obviously it's sql database that I'm concerned with.

Peter C. Norton                      Time comes into it. / Say it.  Say it.                   | The Universe is made of stories,           | not of atoms. 
                                     Muriel Rukeyser "The Speed of Darknesss"