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Re: backtrace on error.

Jim Blandy <> writes:

> > I tried putting:
> > 
> >    (debug-enable 'backtrace)
> > 
> > into my guile script, but I'm still not seeing backtraces when an
> > error occurs.  I see the backtrace if I (load "script") & run the
> > appriate fcns, and I don't see a backtrace if I run the script itself
> > from the command line.
> > 
> > Is this the expected behavior?  If so, how do I get it to always
> > display a backtrace?  If not, any ideas of what I'm doing wrong/how to
> > fix it?
> Without looking into this carefully, I think this is what I wanted to
> fix in the following pre-1.3 item:
> 	* always show line number in error messages 


The explanation is that backtraces are printed by the error handler in
the top repl.  Scripts are loaded by a simple load outside of the

It would be nice to have a single error handler which could be used
both by the gh repl, the normal repl (BTW, why should we have two
repls?) and when doing things outside of the repl.


P.S.  I've just returned from a nice, long journey through California
      and Arizona.  You really have some marvelous nature there!