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Profiling & tracing & questions.

Since it seems that only 1 person is working on profiling, and it's
interrupt based, I thought it might be nice to do port my profiling
stuff from stk to guile (appended to the end of this file).

The stk version wraps a list of fcns with code to start & stop timers.

After looking at the tracing code in guile, it seems like I can do
profiling the same way guile does tracing - by hanging profile-entry
& profile-exit fcns off of apply-frame-handler & exit-frame-handler,

However, I have a question about the tracing code.

Why is it that apply-frame-handler & exit-frame-handler only seem to
get called when a procedure's property list has a value of #t for the
trace property?

I'm asking because I'd much rather be able to turn on profiling in a
global fashion that hooks into all calls, rather than having to
carefully select sets of functions to profile.

Is there any way to do this in guile?

In any case, here's my stk tracing & profiling code:

;;; wrappers.scm - Library for wrapping functions & executing forms.
;;;                Useful for implementing tracing & profiling (as is
;;;                done here).
;;;                Version 0.8
;;; Copyright (c) 1995 Harvey J. Stein (
;;; This code is freely usable and distributable as long as this
;;; heading remains.
;;; Usage:
;;;   For tracing:
;;;      (with-tracing (foo bar baz) (baz 19))
;;;      Executes (baz 19), while tracing entries to & exits from foo,
;;;      bar & baz.
;;;   For profiling:
;;;      (with-profiling ...)
;;;      Same story, but keeps track of execution times and prints
;;;      results at end.
;;;   In general:
;;;      (with-wrappers wrapper starter ender simlist form)
;;;      wrapper should be a function which takes 2 args, a symbol & a
;;;      fcn.  It should return a fcn.  Starter & ender are thunks.
;;;      Simlist is a list of symbols.  Form is an sexp to evaluate.
;;;      Basically, the defn of all symbols s in simlist are replaced with
;;;      (wrapper 's s).  Then starter is called, form is executed,
;;;      ender is called, and the result of form is returned.  The
;;;      execution of ender is guaranteed by the use of dynamic-wind.
;;;      Undoing the damage of wrapper is guaranteed by fluid-let.

;;; Bugs/To do:
;;;   -Requires call to clock to be added to Stk - I added it to
;;;    posix, even though it's not really posix (but it is ANSI C).
;;;    If clock doesn't exist, I use the time from
;;;    (get-internal-info).  But, this causes lots of extra consing
;;;    (and extra time taken up in the profiling).
;;;   -How can I wrap symbols defined in children environments?
;;;   -Would be nice to add some more statistics to the profiling
;;;    (such as # of cells consed, etc).
;;;   -Profiling should also figure out how much time of the time
;;;    spent in a subroutine is actually spent amongst the children... 
;;;   -Maybe dynamic-wind should also be used in wrappers - On the one
;;;    hand this would enable tracing to track continuation usage, but
;;;    on the other hand, it might introduce alot of overhead.

(define-macro (with-wrappers wrapper starter ender simlist form)
  `(dynamic-wind ,starter
		 (lambda () (fluid-let ,(map (lambda (x)
					       `(,x (,wrapper ',x ,x)))

;;; ----------- Tracing code ------------------

(define-macro (with-tracing simlist form)
  `(with-wrappers trace:trace-wrap trace:trace-start (lambda () ())
		  ,simlist ,form))

(define (trace:trace-start)
  (set! *trace-stack* ()))

(define (trace:trace-wrap name func)
  (lambda l
    (trace:start name l)
    (let ((res (apply func l)))
      (trace:end name l res)

(define *trace-stack* ())

(define (trace:start name l)
  (format #t "~s\n" (cons name l))
  (set! *trace-stack* (cons name *trace-stack*)))

(define (trace:end name l res)
  (set! *trace-stack* (cdr *trace-stack*))
  (format #t "~s = ~s\n" (cons name l) res))

(define (trace:header)
  (dotimes (i (length *trace-stack*))
	   (format #t "| ")))

;;; ----------- Profiling code ------------------

(require "formout")
(require "posix")
(require "hash")

(if (not (symbol-bound? 'posix-clock))
    (define (posix-clock) (vector-ref (get-internal-info) 0)))

(define-macro (with-profiling simlist form)
  `(with-wrappers profile:profile-wrap
		  ,simlist ,form))

(define *profile-stack* #f)
(define *profile-times* #f)

(define (profile:profile-start)
  (set! *profile-stack* ())
  (set! *profile-times* (make-hash-table)))

(define (profile:profile-end)
  (define funccol   (formout:make-fmt-fcn "~20a"))
  (define calledcol (formout:make-fmt-fcn "~10f"))
  (define timecol   (formout:make-fmt-fcn "~10,3f"))
  (format #t "Function            Called     Time\n")
  (format #t "------------------- ---------- ---------\n")
  (hash-table-for-each *profile-times*
		       (lambda (func prof-data)
			 (funccol   #t (symbol->string func))
			 (calledcol #t (profile:times-called prof-data))
			 (timecol   #t (/ (profile:elapsed-time prof-data)
			 (format #t "\n"))))
(define (profile:times-called v)
  (vector-ref v 0))

(define (profile:elapsed-time v)
  (vector-ref v 1))

(define (profile:profile-wrap name func)
  (let ((results (make-vector 10 0)))
    (let ((res ())
	  (time -1))
      (hash-table-put! *profile-times* name results)
      (lambda l
	(cond ((< time 0)
	       (set! time (posix-clock))
	       (set! res (apply func l))
	       (vector-set! results 1 (+ (vector-ref results 1)
					 (- (posix-clock) time)))
	       (vector-set! results 0 (1+ (vector-ref results 0)))
	       (set! time -1)
	       (set! res (apply func l))
	       (vector-set! results 0 (1+ (vector-ref results 0)))

Harvey J. Stein
BFM Financial Research