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determining caller in debug.scm:trace-entry

I'm playing with adding a profiling facility and am using
the tracing facility as a starting point.

I can't seem to compute the caller in the trace-entry proc:

(define (trace-entry key cont tail)
  (if (eq? (stack-id cont) 'repl-stack)
      (let ((cep (current-error-port))
	    (frame (last-stack-frame cont)))
	(if (not tail)
	    (set! trace-level (+ trace-level 1)))
	(let indent ((n trace-level))
	  (cond ((> n 1) (display "|  " cep) (indent (- n 1)))))
	(display-application frame cep)))
  (debug-enable 'trace)
  ;; It's not necessary to call the continuation since
  ;; execution will continue if the handler returns
  ;(cont #f)

(frame-previous frame) always returns #f.
Any suggestions for what to try?