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[Q] automagic define/undefine with dynamic-link/dynamic-unlink


I want to use the _init and _fini symbols to automatically
define/undefine extensions as a dynamic library is linked/unlinked. My
naive approach looks like:

#include <math.h>
#include <guile/gh.h>
SCM mysin(SCM x) {return gh_double2scm(sin(gh_scm2double(x)));}
void _init(void) {gh_new_procedure("mysin", mysin, 1, 0, 0);}
void _fini(void) {gh_eval_str("(undefine mysin)");}

Under Linux, this compiles with
$ gcc -c -fPIC mysin.
$ ld -shared -o mysin.o

I test with:
$ guile
guile> (define obj (dynamic-link "./"))
guile> (mysin 1)
guile> (dynamic-unlink obj)
guile> (mysin 1)
ERROR: In expression (mysin 1):
ERROR: Unbound variable: mysin
ABORT: (misc-error)

Type "(backtrace)" to get more information.

... which is exactly what I would expect ...

Question: guile seems to leak memory each time the test is repeated. I
am looking for some `gh_delete_procedure' that guarantees that all
resources allocated by gh_new_procedure are released.

Second question: If I remove _init and _fini, "./" is not able
to do anything useful. Still (dynamic-unlink (dynamic-link "./")) 
seems to consume memory. Could this be a problem with the
dlopen/dlclose implementation?

Third question: Could something like guile-snarf be used to scan a c
source file for extensions and put the appropriate
gh_new_procedure/gh_delete_procedure calls in _init/_fini?


	Ole Myren Røhne