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Re: Elisp translator work finished (for now)

   From: Neil Jerram <>
   Date: 08 Feb 2002 11:51:50 +0000

   Comments are (of course) welcome.

this is really cool stuff!

i modified lang/elisp/base.scm `load-emacs' like so:

(defun load-emacs (&optional new-load-path)
  (message "load-path: %s" load-path)
  (cond (new-load-path
         (message "Setting load-path to: %s" new-load-path)
         (setq load-path new-load-path)))
  (message "load-path: %s" load-path)
  (scheme (read-set! keywords 'prefix))
  (message "Calling loadup.el to clothe the bare Emacs...")
  (load "loadup.el")
  (message "Guile Emacs now fully clothed"))

and then tried to write examples/lang-elisp/load-emacs (below) w/o
success; the 20.7 loadup.el is still being searched instead of what i
specified.  didn't get a chance to look further, but here's a short log
of the output:

cd /home/ttn/tmp/.tmp/examples/lang-elisp/
load-path: ("/usr/share/emacs/20.7/lisp/" "/usr/share/emacs/20.7/lisp/emacs-lisp/")
Setting load-path to: ("/home/ttn/build/.gnu/emacs/lisp" "/home/ttn/build/.gnu/emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp")
load-path: ("/home/ttn/build/.gnu/emacs/lisp" "/home/ttn/build/.gnu/emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp")
(#<primitive-procedure eval> (#<primitive-macro! quote> (read-set! keywords (quote prefix))) #<directory (guile-user) 8083260>)
Calling loadup.el to clothe the bare Emacs...
Loading /usr/share/emacs/20.7/lisp/loadup.el...
Using load-path ("/home/ttn/build/.gnu/emacs/lisp" "/home/ttn/build/.gnu/emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp")
ERROR: Signalling file-error with data ("Cannot open load file" "byte-run")


# this file is examples/lang-elisp/load-emacs so top-builddir is two levels up
exec /home/ttn/build/.gnu/guile-core/pre-inst-guile ../.. -s $0 "$@"

(use-modules (lang elisp interface))
(load-emacs '("/home/ttn/build/.gnu/emacs/lisp"
;;(princ "HELLO!\n\n\n\n\n")

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