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Re: import-lisp-macro

The current version (emacs.scm 1.3) of import-lisp-macro can't
handle this:

(let ((msg "Hello!"))

because it evaluates the lambda in the wrong place.

The following definition seems to work better.  I moved most of
the code emitted by the macro to a new function "call-lisp-macro"
because nested backquotes confuse me.  There is still some
nesting; I hope I got it right.  I am currently unable to access
SourceForge via SSH so please commit this change for me.
(You could use this mail as the log message. :-) )

(define-private (call-lisp-macro macro-name thunk)
  (lispref->scm (lisp-eval `(,macro-name
			      (scheme-eval '(',thunk))))))

(define-macro (import-lisp-macro macro . rest)
  (let ((scheme-name (if (pair? rest) (car rest) macro)))
    `(define-macro (,scheme-name . body)
       `(',',call-lisp-macro ',',macro (lambda () ,@body)))))
(export import-lisp-macro)

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