new interface for simulated annealing

Gerard Jungman
Mon Jul 6 18:49:00 GMT 2015

On 07/06/2015 12:33 PM, Matthias Sitte wrote:
> There's one more question: The "ode-initval2" implementation always takes a
> "double y[]" array as input/output. Other method like the Nelder-Mead in
> "multimin" (which is one of my other candidate algorithms) work in terms of
> "gsl_vector" and "gsl_matrix". I'm a bit confused: What is the preferred GSL way
> to deal with this?

That was done to insure that the interfaces are as general
as possible. We don't want to force people to use the GSL
containers. Not everybody wants the heap management, etc,
that is implicit in the main containers, and forcing them
to use the "view" containers is not very polite.

In my opinion, the containers are badly designed.
Don't bake them into the interfaces.

G. Jungman

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