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Re: questions about block/vector/matrix

On Fri, 2009-10-16 at 21:06 +0100, Brian Gough wrote:
> At Sun, 04 Oct 2009 20:03:16 -0600,
> Gerard Jungman wrote:
> >  Q1. Why do the vector and matrix structs have a block member at
> >  all?
> >      At first I thought it was using some block functions in the
> >      implementation (like for i/o), but it is not. The block member
> >      seems pointless. See the following question.
> As mentioned, it was to have a struct which is the same as C++ valarray.

It is worth mentioning at this point that std::valarray is a
recognized failure. The implementations could never live up
to the intentions. See many discussions on the web, including
an admission from the designer of valarray that it is a
failure. It is best not to invoke valarray as a
justification for any design choice; the cognoscenti
will be snickering. See the discussion at the end of
the following post:

That said, I don't understand what it is about std::valarray that
we want to replicate. The utility of gsl_block is simply that it
remembers the size of its contiguous non-strided data segment.
Ok. Fine. Are we excited yet?

And propagating blocks into the other components seems unnecessary.
The only functions that are actually used by other components are
the ..._raw() functions, which are completely independent of the
block struct. This is good in the end; it makes it very easy to
expunge blocks from those implementations.

> >      Furthermore, from the standpoint of object design, the vector
> >      concept does not inherit from the block concept, since a vector
> >      is strided and a block is not. They are incompatible concepts.
> >      If blocks have no semantic reason to be in vectors, and if they
> >      are not used in a integral way in the implmentation, then they
> >      should be removed.
> I agree, there is no inheritance relationship between them.  However
> there is a relationship between the vector and the block if vectors
> are allowed to grow/shrink -- the size of the block places a limit on
> the maximum size on the vector.  This is not something we currently
> use, but that is what I had in mind at the time.


> >  Q2. What is the meaning of functions gsl_vector_alloc_from_block(),
> >      gsl_vector_alloc_from_vector(), etc.?
> >      gsl_vector_alloc_from_block() seems to be constructing a view
> >      of an underlying data segment. As such, it conflicts with the
> >      semantics of views. There should be only one view semantic.
> These functions create a new gsl_vector object (on the heap)
> referencing the same memory as an existing vector or block.  Note that
> the gsl_vector object is only the metadata (size, stride, etc) and
> does not include the block of memory, just the point to it.

This is a confusing use of vector. The notions are wrapped up
on each other, like worms in the can. Vectors have blocks,
but they don't always own them (or do they?). Vector views have
vectors, which have blocks, but they never own them. And the blocks
sitting inside are never used for their "block-ness"; they
seem to provide only a useless level of indirection.

The C idiom

  struct A {
   struct B b;

is generally used to express the notion that A inherits from B.
For example, the C standard guarantees that it is always possible
in this situation to cast from A to B. The alignments are always

With this in mind, our structs say that gsl_vector_view inherits
from gsl_vector. In my mind, this is precisely backwards. What is
the intention? Is it "inherits from" or "is implemented in terms of"?

> There's a potential confusion over terminology, a gsl_vector is
> actually a "view" of a gsl_block (which it usually owns, but not
> always) and a gsl_vector_view is also a "view" - the difference is
> that gsl_vector is on the heap and gsl_vector_view is on the stack

But this is all confused because the vector member of gsl_vector_view
contains a block pointer. There is simply no way to tell the intention
of the design by looking at the structs. 

Furthermore, you have conflated the logically separate notions
of "being a view" and "being on the stack". The design should
not do this. For example: Why are vectors "on the heap"?
Answer: because they have this block pointer inside, which
had to be allocated. Why? I don't know. The block could have simply
been a member (by value) and then it could have been on the stack.
Again, the blocks seem to provide only an extraneous level of
indirection. In fact, the block inside vectors does nothing
to support the semantics or the implementation of vector.
It cannot support the semantics, since the concepts are
incompatible, and it does not support the implementation,
since none of the block functions are used there.

> (and never owns the block).  As discussed earlier, the version on the
> stack has a different type because of limitations of const (we have to
> define both gsl_vector_const_view and gsl_vector_view when it is on
> the stack whereas the heap version, as a pointer, can be used as const
> gsl_vector * or gsl_vector *)
> If there was a way to put a gsl_vector object on the stack directly
> without causing const violations we would not need to wrap it in a
> gsl_vector_view struct.

As I have said before, this is backwards.
Look at the design of boost::multi_array. The fundamental
underlying type is the const view type. On top of that is
the non-const view type. Finally, the type which "owns"
it's data segment sits on top of these.

There are three needed meta-types. In boost::multi_array terminology
these meta-types are

Just looking at that list, the semantic relationships are clear.
Looking at ours, the semantics are not clear. Furthermore,
examining our structs only adds to the confusion.

> >      gsl_vector_alloc_from_vector() is similar, though it is more
> >      appropriate to say it is constructing a slice of a vector.
> >      Again, the semantics are confused.
> > 
> >      The suffix '_alloc' is confusing, since it is not clear what is
> >      being alloced. Obviously the struct itself is being alloced,
> >      since it is returned by pointer. But what about the data?
> Yes, it is a bit confusing.  The constraint was that people should be
> able to write
>      gsl_vector * v = gsl_vector_alloc(n)
> and have it just work, whereas it would be more logical to use
>     gsl_block * b = gsl_block_alloc(N)
>     gsl_vector * v = gsl_vector_view (b, stride, n)  [or something like that]
> which is cumbersome for the typical usage.

This does not address the point, which is that the name of a
function like gsl_vector_alloc_from_vector() is inappropriate,
since it is not clear what is being "alloced".

> >  Q3. Why do we have functions like gsl_matrix_row(),
> > gsl_matrix_diagonal(), etc, and yet no support for general slicing
> > operations? These functions should be simple wrappers over a more
> > general functionality.
> What would be the interface for a general slicing operation for the
> existing matrix type?  I have no objection to adding it, the functions
> we have were added on an as-needed basis.

General slicing of matrices (or any rank>1 type) requires a
new type, the multi-array type, to handle the indexing.
As discussed before, matrices themselves are constrained
versions of the rank 2 case, because of the requirement
that the fast index access be contiguous. This means that
slicing operations on matrices, which are intended to
produce matrices, must themselves be constrained.

> >  Q4. Why do views export a different interface?
> > 
> >      There are many operations on vectors that I cannot apply to
> >      vector views, but which would make perfect sense for
> >      views. These include obvious things like min(). max(), scale(),
> >      etc. They also include the i/o functions. Writing and reading
> >      from and to view objects is a perfectly well-defined notion.
> Maybe I have misunderstood this question but all vector and matrix
> operations are supported on views, by calling them as &view.vector or
> &view.matrix.

But this whole design is cumbersome. You've wedged yourself into
a corner with the implementation of these view types, and the
whole thing is not properly level-ized. Think about what happens
if you want to make a view of a view, etc. Also note that the
data access is needlessly non-generic because of the extra
level of containment; I cannot say[], I have to
say[]. These interface problems are
obviously related.

> A gsl_vector_view is a struct which contains one thing
> - a gsl_vector, so all operations on it are definitely supported,
> including i/o.  Same for matrices.  Without this, the views would
> indeed be useless.

In the current design they are not useless. However, they
are meta-useless, because the design is grotesque.

G. Jungman

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