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gsl_root_test_residual(double f, double epsabs)


I am working with the 1D root finder framework and I am trying to figure out how to get the value of my function at the current best root estimate (without re-evaluating my function of course). I need it because I want to stop when the function is sufficiently close to zero and I dont actually care about the exact location of the root. The information does not appear to be in the solver state:

typedef struct
    const gsl_root_fsolver_type * type;
    gsl_function * function ;
    double root ;
    double x_lower;
    double x_upper;
    void *state;

How do I use the function gsl_root_test_residual?

If it doesn't work, one possibility is for me to maintain a map x->f for all previous valuations of f and then just look up f in the map using the current best root. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.

Thanks for a great library Brian et al.

Best regards,

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