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Re: Trouble making gsl.

I'm getting the following line when trying to make this. I checked, and there is no file by that name listed.
../gsl/gsl_vector.h:4: header file 'gsl/gsl_vector_complex_long_double.h' not found

The following is a list of the similar files in that directory:
> ls ../gsl/gsl_vector*
../gsl/gsl_vector.h@ ../gsl/gsl_vector_long.h@
../gsl/gsl_vector_char.h@ ../gsl/gsl_vector_long_double.h@
../gsl/gsl_vector_complex.h@ ../gsl/gsl_vector_short.h@
../gsl/gsl_vector_complex_double.h@ ../gsl/gsl_vector_uchar.h@
../gsl/gsl_vector_complex_float.h@ ../gsl/gsl_vector_uint.h@
../gsl/gsl_vector_double.h@ ../gsl/gsl_vector_ulong.h@
../gsl/gsl_vector_float.h@ ../gsl/gsl_vector_ushort.h@

I just downloaded the source an hour ago, so I wouldn't have thought that there would be a problem. I just downloaded the source again, and had the same problem. I used the mirror. I will try downloading from another mirror, but think that there is a problem here that needs dealing with, anyways.

Ben Moehlmann

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