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Re: GSL scientific "C" libraries installation/configuration problem.

> (10)The four commands which i run are
> 	(i)./configure

did you pass any arguments to ./configure, such as ./configure
--prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc

> 	(ii)make
> 	(iii)make check
> 	(iv)make install
> (12)Here is my question---
> where shud i write and save my C programs.?
> what include path i shud write at the top in my c
> programs to call gsl libs.?

you can write and save the source files anywhere you like
the .h files are probably somewhere in your gcc search path, so just
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
would work

> (13)becoz now my c programs calling the GSL "C"
> library functions.
> throws errors like function not found,undefined
> reference etc...

did you link in the libraries?
gcc -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm foo.c

hope this helps,

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