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Re: Documentation

Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes writes:
 > 	As many people knows, numexp is using GSL as a source for
 > scientific methods. NumExp, is being a front-end to GSL, and it is
 > normal that people will seek documentation on NumExp for GSL
 > methods. That's true, too, that GSL functions wrappers change some
 > of the arguments, and so, GSL documentation is not very accurate
 > for some functions.
 > 	All this, to ask for permition to retype some of GSL
 > documentation on numexp GSL module documentation (of course, with
 > the source maintained.

Yes, it's under the GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) so you can do
that provided you also use the GNU FDL for your documentation and
follow the conditions in the GNU FDL.

The conditions are normal things like including the original authors
in your authors list and adding a 'History' section to your manual
saying where the different parts came from.

You'll find the full list at in
section 4.


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