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fundamental constants

I read the NOTES in the new subdirectory 'const'.
By the way:  'long double' values should have a 'L' at the end then
compiler knows they are 'long double'.  I suggest to fix this in the
template headerfiles.  AFAIK this is required if one wants to
precalculate math values with for example 40 decimal digits which
should be enough to fill each bit.

The physical constants I have from the net, they must be
consistent.  I had a look at the referenced 'astroconstants'.  For
my taste, the names are too short, they are {\bf not} self-explaining.
And I prefer having the unit and symbol (tex notation) as comment too.
For the URL:

You need a browser supporting tables and java or something. 'lynx'
does not work.

As I recognized, the last rework on the values was 1998.

There you can find everything: value, symbol, unit, error, history,
descriptions, ...


Warum hat eine Leiterbahn keine 90 Grad Winkel sondern 2 mal 45 Grad?
Weil die Elektronen sonst immer gegen die Wand laufen 8-)))

Dipl. Phys. Thomas Walter
Inst. f. Physiklische Chemie II
Egerlandstr. 3				Tel.: ++9131-85 27326 / 27330
91058 Erlangen, Germany			email:

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