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Will GDB be rewritten in C++ (again)


Long long time ago (2012 or so) there was a (vivid) discution
regarding a C++ rewrite of GDB.

I stayed away at that time from participating, and ended up to do
other things (still debugger related though).

Now I retrieved some bandwith and consider going back on GDB dev, but
still today I am reluctant with C++

So my question is, does this rewrite of GDB in C++ has been shelved or
is is still going?

For what I see on my distro, the gdb-7.11.1 is still C, so i would
guess that no progress has been done since 2012 ?

PS: Don't flame on C++ vs C, my question is really about the road map
of GDB. If this is pure C I could refresh my mem to contribute, if
going C++ this is fine too, I would simply find other project there
are plenty :)


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