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Re: lm32 run vs gdb

On 12/03/2016 08:55, Mike Frysinger wrote:
On 11 Mar 2016 15:12, Joel Sherrill wrote:
I think the command line arguments for the lm32 simulator
are not getting parsed the same for "run" as when you do
"tar sim" in gdb.  Executables work with gdb that don't
with run.

wtf is "tar" ?  hmm, guess it's short for "target sim" ...

lm32-rtems4.12-run --hw-file lm32_evr.conf  \
    --memory-region 0x08000000,0x4000000 ticker.exe

In gdb, the tar sim command is:

tar sim --hw-file lm32_evr.conf --memory-region 0x08000000,0x4000000

lm32_evr.conf is

/lm32uart/reg 0x80006000 0x100
/lm32uart > int int0 /lm32cpu
/lm32timer/reg 0x80002000 0x80
/lm32timer > int int1 /lm32cpu

Any ideas what's broken or where I should look?

the arg parsing codepaths are the same -- see sim/lm32/sim-if.c and
the sim_open function.  gdb & the run frontend both call that.

It looks like something has changed. With gdb-7.11 and the sparc-rtems4.11 target I am seeing:

$ /opt/work/rtems/4.12/bin/sparc-rtems4.12-run ./sparc-rtems4.12/c/erc32/testsuites/samples/ticker/ticker.exe

 SIS - SPARC instruction simulator 2.7.5,  copyright Jiri Gaisler 1995
 Bug-reports to

sis> quit

With gdb-7.9 it use to just run the executable. GDB works.


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