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Multi-threaded dwarf parsing

Hi all,

When debugging large programs, simply loading the binary in gdb can take a significant amount of time. I was wondering if the dwarf parsing (building partial and/or full symtabs, I suppose) could be a good candidate for parallelization. I did some quick checks to determine that, at least when reading from my SSD drive, the operation is not IO-bound. Also, according to my limited understanding of the Dwarf format, it seems like the compilation units DIEs are entities that could be processed independently. These two facts, if we assume they are true, suggest that there is a good potential for performance gain here.

I couldn't find anything on the mailing list about that, please point out any discussion I might have missed.

I found (and it was a very good surprise) this branch by Tom Tromey:

According to his description (from "I think it doesn't help any real-world case". I'd like to ask you directly, Tom: now that you debug Firefox (i.e. a quite large program) daily with gdb, are you still of the same opinion? Of course, I'm also interested in what others have to say about that. Is it something that would have value, you think?

Also, since not so long ago, LLDB does it. Apparently, it "can drastically incrase the speed of loading debug info" (sic). If it's good for LLDB, I don't see why it wouldn't be good for GDB.

So, in a word, are there any gotchas or good reasons not do take this path?


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