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GDB remote protocol and conditional breakpoints

In GDB's remote protocol, there is a Z0 command for setting breakpoints.
The summary of the Z0 command is:


I have a question about the cond_list part.  The description in the
manual says, in part:

    cond_list is an optional list of conditional expressions in bytecode
    form that should be evaluated on the target's side.  These are
    conditions that should be taken into consideration when deciding if
    the breakpoint trigger should be reported back to GDBN.

    The cond_list parameter is comprised of a series of expressions,
    concatenated without separators.

If there is only one expression, no problem.  But, if there are multiple
expressions, should the stub treat them as having an implicit || between
them?  Or an implicit && ?  Or something else?

That is, is the breakpoint reported to GDB and the commands run if *ANY*
of the conditions are true?  If *ALL* of the conditions are true?  Or
something else?

What is the intent when there are multiple conditions?


David Taylor
dtaylor at emc dot com

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