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Re: Python API: can I make new prefix Parameters?

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 6:03 AM, Armando Miraglia <> wrote:
> Hi all, hi Evan.

Hello; thanks for the response. I'll answer a little out of order.

> However, I am not
> complete sure what you need to achieve.
> Additionally, I think parameters are meant to work with commands like "set",
> "print" & co out of the box, but if you define your own commands, you can
> associate prefix to group of commands and whatever action to the command you
> want the to perform.

This is indeed what I want to do. I have prefix commands working (e.g.
I can make "foo bar baz on" and "foo bar baz off" work), but I figured
it would be nice for commands that are really just defining settings
to go through Parameters to get things like PARAM_ENUM checking and
registering both set/show implicitly. (I can define set and show
Commands explicitly it seems that would have the same interface to the
user as a Parameter.)

> I believe that the main reason for "print test-param" to work is that
> "print" is actually a command, not a parameter.

That was probably a bad choice of prefix to use; I think that's a red
herring, because there's also a "print" category of settings (e.g.
'set print object' or 'set print pretty'). For example, with the
Parameter below, I can do this:

(gdb) show history test-param
Test doc (show) one
(gdb) set history test-param three
Test doc (set)
(gdb) show history test-param
Test doc (show) three

but again, I can't figure out how to define my own equivalent to "history".

Here's that Parameter:
class TestParameter(gdb.Parameter):
    """The Parameter"""
    def __init__(self):
        super(TestParameter, self).__init__(
            "history test-param",
            ["one", "two", "three"])
        self.value = "one"
        self.set_doc = "Test doc (set)"
        self.show_doc = "Test doc (show)"

param = TestParameter()


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