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How step over a ass call command?


Suppose that I use gdb with a binary file with source stripped.

   0x1ea7 <main+45>:    mov    %eax,(%esp)
   0x1eaa <main+48>:    call   0x1f14
   0x1eaf <main+53>:    mov    0x1180(%ebx),%ecx

Suppose that pc is at 0x1ea7 and I want to step 2 instructions to
0x1eaf and without stopping inside call 0x1f14. "stepi" does not seem
to work in this case (my guess is that it only works with source code
for skipping function calls, but not at the assembly level.)

Does anybody know what is the best way to get to the line 0x1eaf? (I
could set a breakpoint at 0x1eaf, but I found this is too cumbersome.)


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