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Re: git is live

Cary> I got this far with no problems (thanks!), but my old branches don't
Cary> seem to have any common commits with the new binutils-gdb/master. Are
Cary> you doing the rebase with an explicit merge-base (e.g., "git branch
Cary> new-branch binutils-gdb/master;  git rebase --onto new-branch
Cary> old-master old-branch")? Or should "git rebase binutils-gdb/master
Cary> old-branch" work? (I'm hesitant to try that.)

You want git rebase --onto.

I did it using "git format-patch" followed by "git am" the first time.
The second time I did Pedro's approach and used "git rebase --onto".
Both of these worked great, though some manual labor is needed.
(Actually the second time I wrote a script to automate it: using git
merge-base to find the root of a branch and then looking up the
corresponding commit in the new tree -- but for reasons I don't know it
only worked for about half of my branches.)


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