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Re: Query user with gdb MI intepreter

> I have a problem with the current gdb that, run from an eclipse front-end
> using MI interpreter, query the user with defaulted_query () to prompt him to
> "Quit this debugging session?" .
> Is that a normal behavior or not ?

MI has no provision for handling query functions

> I thought that gdb should not query user when using MI mode, but I can we
> wrong, that's my point.

MI avoids queries generated by CLI commands by implicitly answering them in the
affirmative (by making deprecated_query_hook return 1).

> Here is part of th back trace. As you will see, we
> have an assertion that comes from a problem with the frame unwinder, but I
> want first to make sure that this assertion can request for user interaction
> or no.  The command that leads to the assertion is a simple -exec-next

This query arose (indirectly) from an MI command.  Only a few MI commands
deal with queries, e.g, -break-insert for pending breakpoints and and
breakpoint menus, and they just take a default action.

If you want to request for user interaction you will need to give MI a richer
set of output records.  Good luck!


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