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Whats things the gdbserver and gdb communicates when startup a program?


I am debugging a remote program in a MIPS board. This program is small
but it uses a large library(8M bytes, stripped). The library in my
host is far more large, unstripped, about 10M bytes.
When I start the program in the target:

gdbserver :9988 GtkLanucher

Then start gdb from host:

gdb GtkLauncher

> target remote

Then the gdb stuck(actually is transferring some data thru network,
according the capture from ethereal).
Honestly my target's network card is buggy, not capable to run in a
long time. After several minutes, all things broken...

I just want to know whats data is transfered? In my case how much data
need to transferred to / from target/host?


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