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Stepping off breakpoints in non-stop debugging mode

In non-stop mode, breakpoint handling will require special care.
Some issues which have come up in discussion:

- When a thread has hit a breakpoint and the user would like to
  continue it, how can we allow the thread to execute the
  instruction the breakpoint replaced while still ensuring that
  other threads will hit it?  All-stop GDB simply backs out the
  breakpoint, steps the one thread by itself, reinserts the
  breakpoint, and lets everyone continue.  This doesn't work in
  non-stop debugging mode, as other threads might miss the

  It would be nice to support the case where the instruction being
  stepped past is an I/O instruction that will block until some
  other thread takes some action.  In this case, it's critical that
  the other threads really be allowed to run while we do the step.
  For full credit, if the I/O instruction in question performs a
  barrier synchronization, stopping each thread until all threads
  have reached it, GDB should allow any number of threads to execute
  the instruction simultaneously (after hitting the breakpoint).

  Roland McGrath has discussed ways to change the kernel to give
  certain threads their own copy of a particular page; GDB would
  give each thread that should be allowed to continue its own copy
  of the page with the breakpoint omitted, step it, and then
  re-unify the thread's page table with the rest of the process.

  My co-worker Carlos O'Donnell and I discussed a few strategies for
  doing this; one idea was to continue to share the physical page
  between all threads, but to make the page non-executable for all but
  the stepping thread.  However, if the instruction being stepped
  caused the thread to block until some other thread executed some
  other instruction on the same page, this would cause a deadlock.

  The Linux 'kprobes' facility implements non-stop debugging in the
  Linux kernel.  kprobes handles this by copying the instruction to
  a different address and executing it there, and then fixing up the
  state for instructions that need it (say, pc-relative
  instructions).  It would probably be good for us to follow
  kprobes' lead here, since that's known to work, and doesn't
  require kernel hacking.

- On an SMP system, inserting a software breakpoint is necessarily
  cross-modifying code, which Intel errata AH33 in says
  is no good.  However, Googling further revealed that, according to
  Intel engineers, the 'int3' breakpoint instruction is specifically
  exempted from this issue.  So we can go ahead and pitch software
  breakpoints into code as we wish.

- Most GDB does not use read_memory_nobpt to read from memory; this
  is usually not a problem in the current code because GDB has
  removed the breakpoints before doing the reads.  In non-stop
  debugging mode, the breakpoints will always be inserted, so more
  code may trip over them.

[The above is cribbed from pre-existing notes; I think Vlad may have
addressed the last point.]

For CodeSourcery's contract with Ericsson, I've implemented the
kprobes strategy for stepping off breakpoints in GDB for the i386; the
full patch is at the bottom of this message.  It introduces no
regressions on i386, using displaced stepping for stepping off all
breakpoints.  Combined with Vlad's work to leave breakpoints inserted
at all times, this gives us breakpoint behavior suitable for non-stop

As far as the public GDB project is concerned, what do folks think
about the kprobes approach?

Here are the general comments, from infrun.c:

/* In non-stop debugging mode, we must take special care to manage
   breakpoints properly; in particular, the traditional strategy for
   stepping a thread past a breakpoint it has hit is unsuitable.
   'Displaced stepping' is a tactic for stepping one thread past a
   breakpoint it has hit while ensuring that other threads running
   concurrently will hit the breakpoint as they should.

   The traditional way to step a thread T off a breakpoint in a
   multi-threaded program in all-stop mode is as follows:

   a0) Initially, all threads are stopped, and breakpoints are not
   a1) We single-step T, leaving breakpoints uninserted.
   a2) We insert breakpoints, and resume all threads.

   In non-stop debugging, however, this strategy is unsuitable: we
   don't want to have to stop all threads in the system in order to
   continue or step T past a breakpoint.  Instead, we use displaced

   n0) Initially, T is stopped, other threads are running, and
       breakpoints are inserted.
   n1) We copy the instruction "under" the breakpoint to a separate
       location, outside the main code stream, making any adjustments
       to the instruction, register, and memory state as directed by
       T's architecture.
   n2) We single-step T over the instruction at its new location.
   n3) We adjust the resulting register and memory state as directed
       by T's architecture.  This includes resetting T's PC to point
       back into the main instruction stream.
   n4) We resume T.

   This approach depends on the following gdbarch methods:

   - gdbarch_max_insn_length and gdbarch_displaced_step_location
     indicate where to copy the instruction, and how much space must
     be reserved there.  We use these in step n1.

   - gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn copies a instruction to a new
     address, and makes any necessary adjustments to the instruction,
     register contents, and memory.  We use this in step n1.

   - gdbarch_displaced_step_fixup adjusts registers and memory after
     we have successfuly single-stepped the instruction, to yield the
     same effect the instruction would have had if we had executed it
     at its original address.  We use this in step n3.

   - gdbarch_displaced_step_free_closure provides cleanup.

   The gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn and
   gdbarch_displaced_step_fixup functions must be written so that
   copying an instruction with gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn,
   single-stepping across the copied instruction, and then applying
   gdbarch_displaced_insn_fixup should have the same effects on the
   thread's memory and registers as stepping the instruction in place
   would have.  Exactly which responsibilities fall to the copy and
   which fall to the fixup is up to the author of those functions.

   See the comments in for details.

   Note that displaced stepping and software single-step cannot
   currently be used in combination, although with some care I think
   they could be made to.  Software single-step works by placing
   breakpoints on all possible subsequent instructions; if the
   displaced instruction is a PC-relative jump, those breakpoints
   could fall in very strange places --- on pages that aren't
   executable, or at addresses that are not proper instruction
   boundaries.  (We do generally let other threads run while we wait
   to hit the software single-step breakpoint, and they might
   encounter such a corrupted instruction.)  One way to work around
   this would be to have gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn fully
   simulate the effect of PC-relative instructions (and return NULL)
   on architectures that use software single-stepping.  */

If the kprobes approach seems suitable for GDB, here are the gdbarch
methods I'm using.  Does this interface there seem reasonable?

# The maximum length of an instruction on this architecture.

# Copy the instruction at FROM to TO, and make any adjustments
# necessary to single-step it at that address.
# REGS holds the state the thread's registers will have before
# executing the copied instruction; the PC in REGS will refer to FROM,
# not the copy at TO.  The caller should update it to point at TO later.
# Return a pointer to data of the architecture's choice to be passed
# to gdbarch_displaced_step_fixup.  Or, return NULL to indicate that
# the instruction's effects have been completely simulated, with the
# resulting state written back to REGS.
# For a general explanation of displaced stepping and how GDB uses it, 
# see the comments in infrun.c.
# The TO area is only guaranteed to have space for
# gdbarch_max_insn_length (arch) bytes, so this function must not
# write more bytes than that to that area.
# If you do not provide this function, GDB assumes that the
# architecture does not support displaced stepping.
# If your architecture doesn't need to adjust instructions before
# single-stepping them, consider using simple_displaced_step_copy_insn
# here.
M:struct displaced_step_closure *:displaced_step_copy_insn:CORE_ADDR from, CORE_ADDR to, struct regcache *regs:from, to, regs

# Fix up the state resulting from successfully single-stepping a
# displaced instruction, to give the result we would have gotten from
# stepping the instruction in its original location.
# REGS is the register state resulting from single-stepping the
# displaced instruction.
# CLOSURE is the result from the matching call to
# gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn.
# If you provide gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn.but not this
# function, then GDB assumes that no fixup is needed after
# single-stepping the instruction.
# For a general explanation of displaced stepping and how GDB uses it, 
# see the comments in infrun.c.
M:void:displaced_step_fixup:struct displaced_step_closure *closure, CORE_ADDR from, CORE_ADDR to, struct regcache *regs:closure, from, to, regs::NULL

# Free a closure returned by gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn.
# If you provide gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn, you must provide
# this function as well.
# If your architecture uses closures that don't need to be freed, then
# you can use simple_displaced_step_free_closure here.
# For a general explanation of displaced stepping and how GDB uses it, 
# see the comments in infrun.c.
m:void:displaced_step_free_closure:struct displaced_step_closure *closure:closure::NULL::(! gdbarch->displaced_step_free_closure) != (! gdbarch->displaced_step_copy_insn)

# Return the address of an appropriate place to put displaced
# instructions while we step over them.  There need only be one such
# place, since we're only stepping one thread over a breakpoint at a
# time.
# For a general explanation of displaced stepping and how GDB uses it, 
# see the comments in infrun.c.
m:CORE_ADDR:displaced_step_location:void:::NULL::(! gdbarch->displaced_step_location) != (! gdbarch->displaced_step_copy_insn)

I have some concerns with the current patch:

- The current implementation of gdbarch_displaced_step_location is
  pretty questionable, but I'm not sure where else would be better.

- It seems that it is never necessary to have more than one thread
  doing displaced stepping at a time --- or else the assert in
  displaced_step_prepare would trigger --- but I don't see why this
  should be so.

- As noted in the comments, I assume that displaced stepping and
  software single-step don't work together.  I haven't taken this on
  at this point in the project because I'm guessing that software
  single-step will need work to play nicely with non-stop debugging

- Perhaps i386_syscall_p should be a gdbarch method, so that ABIs can
  override it.

If anybody makes it this far, thank you very much.  Here is the patch.
Note that the regenerated gdbarch.c and gdbarch.h are omitted.


2007-12-07  Jim Blandy  <>

	Implement displaced stepping.

	Define gdbarch methods for executing an instruction that has been
	copied to an alternative location.
	* (max_insn_length): New 'variable'.
	(displaced_step_copy, displaced_step_fixup)
	(displaced_step_free_closure, displaced_step_location): New functions.
	(struct displaced_step_closure): Add forward declaration.
	* gdbarch.c, gdbarch.h: Regenerated.
	* i386-tdep.c (debug_displaced): New variable.
	(i386_absolute_jmp_p, i386_absolute_call_p)
	(i386_ret_p, i386_call_p, i386_breakpoint_p, i386_syscall_p)
	(i386_displaced_step_fixup): New functions.
	(i386_gdbarch_init): Set gdbarch_max_insn_length.
	Register gdbarch_displaced_step_copy,
	gdbarch_displaced_step_fixup, gdbarch_displaced_step_free_closure,
	and gdbarch_displaced_step_location functions.
	* i386-tdep.h (I386_TF_MASK, I386_MAX_INSN_LEN): New constants.
	* arch-utils.c: #include "objfiles.h".
	(displaced_step_at_entry_point): New functions.
	* arch-utils.h (simple_displaced_step_copy_insn)
	(displaced_step_at_entry_point): New prototypes.
	* (arch-utils.o): Update dependencies.
	* infrun.c (use_displaced_stepping, displaced_step_ptid)
	(displaced_step_gdbarch, displaced_step_closure)
	(displaced_step_original, displaced_step_copy)
	(displaced_step_saved_copy): New variables.
	(displaced_step_clear, cleanup_displaced_step_closure)
	(displaced_step_prepare, displaced_step_clear_cleanup)
	(displaced_step_fixup): New functions.
	(resume): Call displaced_step_prepare.
	(handle_inferior_event): Call displaced_step_fixup.  Add some
	debugging output.  When we try to step over a breakpoint, but get
	a signal to deliver to the thread instead, ensure the step-resume
	breakpoint is actually inserted.
	(init_wait_for_inferior): Call displaced_step_clear.
	(_initialize_infrun): Clear displaced_step_ptid.

	* infrun.c (resume): Call read_pc once, and remember the value.

	* i386-tdep.c (I386_MAX_MATCHED_INSN_LEN): Renamed from
	I386_MAX_INSN_LEN.  Uses changed.

diff -r 3afe85e26f07 gdb/
--- a/gdb/	Fri Dec 07 13:39:22 2007 -0800
+++ b/gdb/	Thu Dec 06 22:26:48 2007 -0800
@@ -1888,7 +1888,7 @@ arch-utils.o: arch-utils.c $(defs_h) $(a
 arch-utils.o: arch-utils.c $(defs_h) $(arch_utils_h) $(buildsym_h) \
 	$(gdbcmd_h) $(inferior_h) $(gdb_string_h) $(regcache_h) \
 	$(gdb_assert_h) $(sim_regno_h) $(gdbcore_h) $(osabi_h) $(version_h) \
-	$(floatformat_h) $(target_descriptions_h)
+	$(floatformat_h) $(target_descriptions_h) $(objfiles_h)
 arm-linux-nat.o: arm-linux-nat.c $(defs_h) $(inferior_h) $(gdbcore_h) \
 	$(gdb_string_h) $(regcache_h) $(arm_tdep_h) $(gregset_h) \
 	$(target_h) $(linux_nat_h) $(gdb_proc_service_h) $(arm_linux_tdep_h) \
diff -r 3afe85e26f07 gdb/arch-utils.c
--- a/gdb/arch-utils.c	Fri Dec 07 13:39:22 2007 -0800
+++ b/gdb/arch-utils.c	Sat Dec 08 00:37:09 2007 -0800
@@ -31,11 +31,45 @@
 #include "gdbcore.h"
 #include "osabi.h"
 #include "target-descriptions.h"
+#include "objfiles.h"
 #include "version.h"
 #include "floatformat.h"
+struct displaced_step_closure *
+simple_displaced_step_copy_insn (struct gdbarch *gdbarch,
+                                 CORE_ADDR from, CORE_ADDR to,
+                                 struct regcache *regs)
+  size_t len = gdbarch_max_insn_length (gdbarch);
+  gdb_byte *buf = xmalloc (len);
+  read_memory (from, buf, len);
+  write_memory (to, buf, len);
+  return (struct displaced_step_closure *) buf;
+simple_displaced_step_free_closure (struct gdbarch *gdbarch,
+                                    struct displaced_step_closure *closure)
+  xfree (closure);
+displaced_step_at_entry_point (struct gdbarch *gdbarch)
+  /* Make certain that the address points at real code, and not a
+     function descriptor.  */
+  return gdbarch_convert_from_func_ptr_addr (gdbarch,
+                                             entry_point_address (),
+                                             &current_target);
 legacy_register_sim_regno (struct gdbarch *gdbarch, int regnum)
diff -r 3afe85e26f07 gdb/arch-utils.h
--- a/gdb/arch-utils.h	Fri Dec 07 13:39:22 2007 -0800
+++ b/gdb/arch-utils.h	Thu Dec 06 22:26:49 2007 -0800
@@ -29,6 +29,29 @@ struct gdbarch_info;
 /* gdbarch trace variable */
 extern int gdbarch_debug;
+/* An implementation of gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn for
+   processors that don't need to modify the instruction before
+   single-stepping the displaced copy.
+   Simply copy gdbarch_max_insn_length (ARCH) bytes from FROM to TO.
+   The closure is an array of that many bytes containing the
+   instruction's bytes, allocated with xmalloc.  */
+extern struct displaced_step_closure *
+  simple_displaced_step_copy_insn (struct gdbarch *gdbarch,
+                                   CORE_ADDR from, CORE_ADDR to,
+                                   struct regcache *regs);
+/* Simple implementation of gdbarch_displaced_step_free_closure: Call
+   xfree.
+   This is appropriate for use with simple_displaced_step_copy_insn.  */
+extern void
+  simple_displaced_step_free_closure (struct gdbarch *gdbarch,
+                                      struct displaced_step_closure *closure);
+/* Possible value for gdbarch_displaced_step_location:
+   Place displaced instructions at the program's entry point.  */
+extern CORE_ADDR displaced_step_at_entry_point (struct gdbarch *gdbarch);
 /* The only possible cases for inner_than. */
 extern int core_addr_lessthan (CORE_ADDR lhs, CORE_ADDR rhs);
diff -r 3afe85e26f07 gdb/
--- a/gdb/	Fri Dec 07 13:39:22 2007 -0800
+++ b/gdb/	Sat Dec 08 00:44:48 2007 -0800
@@ -605,6 +605,75 @@ v:int:vbit_in_delta:::0:0::0
 # Advance PC to next instruction in order to skip a permanent breakpoint.
 F:void:skip_permanent_breakpoint:struct regcache *regcache:regcache
+# The maximum length of an instruction on this architecture.
+# Copy the instruction at FROM to TO, and make any adjustments
+# necessary to single-step it at that address.
+# REGS holds the state the thread's registers will have before
+# executing the copied instruction; the PC in REGS will refer to FROM,
+# not the copy at TO.  The caller should update it to point at TO later.
+# Return a pointer to data of the architecture's choice to be passed
+# to gdbarch_displaced_step_fixup.  Or, return NULL to indicate that
+# the instruction's effects have been completely simulated, with the
+# resulting state written back to REGS.
+# For a general explanation of displaced stepping and how GDB uses it, 
+# see the comments in infrun.c.
+# The TO area is only guaranteed to have space for
+# gdbarch_max_insn_length (arch) bytes, so this function must not
+# write more bytes than that to that area.
+# If you do not provide this function, GDB assumes that the
+# architecture does not support displaced stepping.
+# If your architecture doesn't need to adjust instructions before
+# single-stepping them, consider using simple_displaced_step_copy_insn
+# here.
+M:struct displaced_step_closure *:displaced_step_copy_insn:CORE_ADDR from, CORE_ADDR to, struct regcache *regs:from, to, regs
+# Fix up the state resulting from successfully single-stepping a
+# displaced instruction, to give the result we would have gotten from
+# stepping the instruction in its original location.
+# REGS is the register state resulting from single-stepping the
+# displaced instruction.
+# CLOSURE is the result from the matching call to
+# gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn.
+# If you provide gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn.but not this
+# function, then GDB assumes that no fixup is needed after
+# single-stepping the instruction.
+# For a general explanation of displaced stepping and how GDB uses it, 
+# see the comments in infrun.c.
+M:void:displaced_step_fixup:struct displaced_step_closure *closure, CORE_ADDR from, CORE_ADDR to, struct regcache *regs:closure, from, to, regs::NULL
+# Free a closure returned by gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn.
+# If you provide gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn, you must provide
+# this function as well.
+# If your architecture uses closures that don't need to be freed, then
+# you can use simple_displaced_step_free_closure here.
+# For a general explanation of displaced stepping and how GDB uses it, 
+# see the comments in infrun.c.
+m:void:displaced_step_free_closure:struct displaced_step_closure *closure:closure::NULL::(! gdbarch->displaced_step_free_closure) != (! gdbarch->displaced_step_copy_insn)
+# Return the address of an appropriate place to put displaced
+# instructions while we step over them.  There need only be one such
+# place, since we're only stepping one thread over a breakpoint at a
+# time.
+# For a general explanation of displaced stepping and how GDB uses it, 
+# see the comments in infrun.c.
+m:CORE_ADDR:displaced_step_location:void:::NULL::(! gdbarch->displaced_step_location) != (! gdbarch->displaced_step_copy_insn)
 # Refresh overlay mapped state for section OSECT.
 F:void:overlay_update:struct obj_section *osect:osect
@@ -724,6 +793,7 @@ struct obstack;
 struct obstack;
 struct bp_target_info;
 struct target_desc;
+struct displaced_step_closure;
 extern struct gdbarch *current_gdbarch;
diff -r 3afe85e26f07 gdb/i386-tdep.c
--- a/gdb/i386-tdep.c	Fri Dec 07 13:39:22 2007 -0800
+++ b/gdb/i386-tdep.c	Fri Dec 07 23:15:33 2007 -0800
@@ -284,6 +284,242 @@ i386_breakpoint_from_pc (struct gdbarch 
   return break_insn;
+/* Displaced instruction handling.  */
+static int debug_displaced = 0;
+static int
+i386_absolute_jmp_p (gdb_byte *insn)
+  /* jmp far (absolute address in operand) */
+  if (insn[0] == 0xea)
+    return 1;
+  if (insn[0] == 0xff)
+    {
+      /* jump near, absolute indirect (/4) */
+      if ((insn[1] & 0x38) == 0x20)
+        return 1;
+      /* jump far, absolute indirect (/5) */
+      if ((insn[1] & 0x38) == 0x28)
+        return 1;
+    }
+  return 0;
+static int
+i386_absolute_call_p (gdb_byte *insn)
+  /* call far, absolute */
+  if (insn[0] == 0x9a)
+    return 1;
+  if (insn[0] == 0xff)
+    {
+      /* Call near, absolute indirect (/2) */
+      if ((insn[1] & 0x38) == 0x10)
+        return 1;
+      /* Call far, absolute indirect (/3) */
+      if ((insn[1] & 0x38) == 0x18)
+        return 1;
+    }
+  return 0;
+static int
+i386_ret_p (gdb_byte *insn)
+  switch (insn[0])
+    {
+    case 0xc2: /* ret near, pop N bytes */
+    case 0xc3: /* ret near */
+    case 0xca: /* ret far, pop N bytes */
+    case 0xcb: /* ret far */
+    case 0xcf: /* iret */
+      return 1;
+    default:
+      return 0;
+    }
+static int
+i386_call_p (gdb_byte *insn)
+  if (i386_absolute_call_p (insn))
+    return 1;
+  /* call near, relative */
+  if (insn[0] == 0xe8)
+    return 1;
+  return 0;
+static int
+i386_breakpoint_p (gdb_byte *insn)
+  return insn[0] == 0xcc;       /* int 3 */
+/* Return non-zero if INSN is a system call, and set *LENGTHP to its
+   length in bytes.  Otherwise, return zero.  */
+static int
+i386_syscall_p (gdb_byte *insn, ULONGEST *lengthp)
+  if (insn[0] == 0xcd)
+    {
+      *lengthp = 2;
+      return 1;
+    }
+  return 0;
+/* Fix up the state of registers and memory after having single-stepped
+   a displaced instruction.  */
+static void
+i386_displaced_step_fixup (struct gdbarch *gdbarch,
+                           struct displaced_step_closure *closure,
+                           CORE_ADDR from, CORE_ADDR to,
+                           struct regcache *regs)
+  /* The offset we applied to the instruction's address.
+     This could well be negative (when viewed as a signed 32-bit
+     value), but ULONGEST won't reflect that, so take care when
+     applying it.  */
+  ULONGEST insn_offset = to - from;
+  /* Since we use simple_displaced_step_copy_insn, our closure is a
+     copy of the instruction.  */
+  gdb_byte *insn = (gdb_byte *) closure;
+  if (debug_displaced)
+    fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog,
+                        "displaced: fixup (0x%s, 0x%s), "
+                        "insn = 0x%02x 0x%02x ...\n",
+                        paddr_nz (from), paddr_nz (to), insn[0], insn[1]);
+  /* The list of issues to contend with here is taken from
+     resume_execution in arch/i386/kernel/kprobes.c, Linux 2.6.20.
+     Yay for Free Software!  */
+  /* Clear the TF flag in EFLAGS, which will always be set.  */
+  {
+    ULONGEST eflags;
+    regcache_cooked_read_unsigned (regs, I386_EFLAGS_REGNUM, &eflags);
+    eflags &= ~I386_TF_MASK;
+    regcache_cooked_write_unsigned (regs, I386_EFLAGS_REGNUM, eflags);
+  }
+  /* Relocate the %eip, if necessary.  */
+  /* In the case of absolute or indirect jump or call instructions, or
+     a return instruction, the new %eip needs no relocation.  */
+  if (i386_absolute_jmp_p (insn)
+      || i386_absolute_call_p (insn)
+      || i386_ret_p (insn))
+    ;
+  /* Except in the case of absolute or indirect jump or call
+     instructions, or a return instruction, the new eip is relative to
+     the displaced instruction; make it relative.  Well, signal
+     handler returns don't need relocation either, but we use the
+     value of %eip to recognize those; see below.  */
+  if (! i386_absolute_jmp_p (insn)
+      && ! i386_absolute_call_p (insn)
+      && ! i386_ret_p (insn))
+    {
+      ULONGEST orig_eip;
+      ULONGEST insn_len;
+      regcache_cooked_read_unsigned (regs, I386_EIP_REGNUM, &orig_eip);
+      /* A signal trampoline system call changes the %eip, resuming
+         execution of the main program after the signal handler has
+         returned.  That makes them like 'return' instructions; we
+         shouldn't relocate %eip.
+         But most system calls don't, and we do need to relocate %eip.
+         Our heuristic for distinguishing these cases: if stepping
+         over the system call instruction left control directly after
+         the instruction, the we relocate --- control almost certainly
+         doesn't belong in the displaced copy.  Otherwise, we assume
+         the instruction has put control where it belongs, and leave
+         it unrelocated.  Goodness help us if there are PC-relative
+         system calls.  */
+      if (i386_syscall_p (insn, &insn_len)
+          && orig_eip != to + insn_len)
+        {
+          if (debug_displaced)
+            fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog,
+                                "displaced: syscall changed %%eip; "
+                                "not relocating\n");
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          ULONGEST eip = (orig_eip - insn_offset) & 0xffffffffUL;
+          /* If we have stepped over a breakpoint, set the %eip to
+             point at the breakpoint instruction itself.
+             (gdbarch_decr_pc_after_break was never something the core
+             of GDB should have been concerned with; arch-specific
+             code should be making PC values consistent before
+             presenting them to GDB.)  */
+          if (i386_breakpoint_p (insn))
+            {
+              fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog,
+                                  "displaced: stepped breakpoint\n");
+              eip--;
+            }
+          regcache_cooked_write_unsigned (regs, I386_EIP_REGNUM, eip);
+          if (debug_displaced)
+            fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog,
+                                "displaced: "
+                                "relocated %%eip from 0x%s to 0x%s\n",
+                                paddr_nz (orig_eip), paddr_nz (eip));
+        }
+    }
+  /* If the instruction was PUSHFL, then the TF bit will be set in the
+     pushed value, and should be cleared.  We'll leave this for later,
+     since GDB already messes up the TF flag when stepping over a
+     pushfl.  */
+  /* If the instruction was a call, the return address now atop the
+     stack is the address following the copied instruction.  We need
+     to make it the address following the original instruction.  */
+  if (i386_call_p (insn))
+    {
+      ULONGEST esp;
+      ULONGEST retaddr;
+      const ULONGEST retaddr_len = 4;
+      regcache_cooked_read_unsigned (regs, I386_ESP_REGNUM, &esp);
+      retaddr = read_memory_unsigned_integer (esp, retaddr_len);
+      retaddr = (retaddr - insn_offset) & 0xffffffffUL;
+      write_memory_unsigned_integer (esp, retaddr_len, retaddr);
+      if (debug_displaced)
+        fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog,
+                            "displaced: relocated return addr at 0x%s "
+                            "to 0x%s\n",
+                            paddr_nz (esp),
+                            paddr_nz (retaddr));
+    }
 #error "The Sequent Symmetry is no longer supported."
@@ -529,14 +765,14 @@ i386_analyze_stack_align (CORE_ADDR pc, 
 /* Maximum instruction length we need to handle.  */
-#define I386_MAX_INSN_LEN	6
+#define I386_MAX_MATCHED_INSN_LEN	6
 /* Instruction description.  */
 struct i386_insn
   size_t len;
-  gdb_byte insn[I386_MAX_INSN_LEN];
-  gdb_byte mask[I386_MAX_INSN_LEN];
+  gdb_byte insn[I386_MAX_MATCHED_INSN_LEN];
+  gdb_byte mask[I386_MAX_MATCHED_INSN_LEN];
 /* Search for the instruction at PC in the list SKIP_INSNS.  Return
@@ -555,12 +791,12 @@ i386_match_insn (CORE_ADDR pc, struct i3
       if ((op & insn->mask[0]) == insn->insn[0])
-	  gdb_byte buf[I386_MAX_INSN_LEN - 1];
+	  gdb_byte buf[I386_MAX_MATCHED_INSN_LEN - 1];
 	  int insn_matched = 1;
 	  size_t i;
 	  gdb_assert (insn->len > 1);
-	  gdb_assert (insn->len <= I386_MAX_INSN_LEN);
+	  gdb_assert (insn->len <= I386_MAX_MATCHED_INSN_LEN);
 	  read_memory_nobpt (pc + 1, buf, insn->len - 1);
 	  for (i = 1; i < insn->len; i++)
@@ -2411,6 +2647,14 @@ i386_gdbarch_init (struct gdbarch_info i
   set_gdbarch_breakpoint_from_pc (gdbarch, i386_breakpoint_from_pc);
   set_gdbarch_decr_pc_after_break (gdbarch, 1);
+  set_gdbarch_max_insn_length (gdbarch, I386_MAX_INSN_LEN);
+  set_gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn (gdbarch,
+                                        simple_displaced_step_copy_insn);
+  set_gdbarch_displaced_step_fixup (gdbarch, i386_displaced_step_fixup);
+  set_gdbarch_displaced_step_free_closure (gdbarch,
+                                           simple_displaced_step_free_closure);
+  set_gdbarch_displaced_step_location (gdbarch,
+                                       displaced_step_at_entry_point);
   set_gdbarch_frame_args_skip (gdbarch, 8);
diff -r 3afe85e26f07 gdb/i386-tdep.h
--- a/gdb/i386-tdep.h	Fri Dec 07 13:39:22 2007 -0800
+++ b/gdb/i386-tdep.h	Sun Dec 02 11:15:24 2007 -0800
@@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ enum i386_regnum
 /* Size of the largest register.  */
 #define I386_MAX_REGISTER_SIZE	16
+/* Bit for TF (trace flag) in EFLAGS register.  */
+#define I386_TF_MASK (0x00000100)
 /* Types for i386-specific registers.  */
 extern struct type *i386_eflags_type;
 extern struct type *i386_mxcsr_type;
@@ -163,6 +166,10 @@ extern struct type *i386_sse_type (struc
 #define I386_SEL_RPL	0x0003  /* Requester's Privilege Level mask.  */
 #define I386_SEL_UPL	0x0003	/* User Privilige Level. */
 #define I386_SEL_KPL	0x0000	/* Kernel Privilige Level. */
+/* The length of the longest i386 instruction (according to
+   include/asm-i386/kprobes.h in Linux 2.6.  */
+#define I386_MAX_INSN_LEN (16)
 /* Functions exported from i386-tdep.c.  */
 extern CORE_ADDR i386_pe_skip_trampoline_code (CORE_ADDR pc, char *name);
diff -r 3afe85e26f07 gdb/infrun.c
--- a/gdb/infrun.c	Fri Dec 07 13:39:22 2007 -0800
+++ b/gdb/infrun.c	Sat Dec 08 01:10:30 2007 -0800
@@ -472,6 +472,264 @@ static int stepping_past_singlestep_brea
    stepping the thread user has selected.  */
 static ptid_t deferred_step_ptid;
+/* Displaced stepping.  */
+/* In non-stop debugging mode, we must take special care to manage
+   breakpoints properly; in particular, the traditional strategy for
+   stepping a thread past a breakpoint it has hit is unsuitable.
+   'Displaced stepping' is a tactic for stepping one thread past a
+   breakpoint it has hit while ensuring that other threads running
+   concurrently will hit the breakpoint as they should.
+   The traditional way to step a thread T off a breakpoint in a
+   multi-threaded program in all-stop mode is as follows:
+   a0) Initially, all threads are stopped, and breakpoints are not
+       inserted.
+   a1) We single-step T, leaving breakpoints uninserted.
+   a2) We insert breakpoints, and resume all threads.
+   In non-stop debugging, however, this strategy is unsuitable: we
+   don't want to have to stop all threads in the system in order to
+   continue or step T past a breakpoint.  Instead, we use displaced
+   stepping:
+   n0) Initially, T is stopped, other threads are running, and
+       breakpoints are inserted.
+   n1) We copy the instruction "under" the breakpoint to a separate
+       location, outside the main code stream, making any adjustments
+       to the instruction, register, and memory state as directed by
+       T's architecture.
+   n2) We single-step T over the instruction at its new location.
+   n3) We adjust the resulting register and memory state as directed
+       by T's architecture.  This includes resetting T's PC to point
+       back into the main instruction stream.
+   n4) We resume T.
+   This approach depends on the following gdbarch methods:
+   - gdbarch_max_insn_length and gdbarch_displaced_step_location
+     indicate where to copy the instruction, and how much space must
+     be reserved there.  We use these in step n1.
+   - gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn copies a instruction to a new
+     address, and makes any necessary adjustments to the instruction,
+     register contents, and memory.  We use this in step n1.
+   - gdbarch_displaced_step_fixup adjusts registers and memory after
+     we have successfuly single-stepped the instruction, to yield the
+     same effect the instruction would have had if we had executed it
+     at its original address.  We use this in step n3.
+   - gdbarch_displaced_step_free_closure provides cleanup.
+   The gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn and
+   gdbarch_displaced_step_fixup functions must be written so that
+   copying an instruction with gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn,
+   single-stepping across the copied instruction, and then applying
+   gdbarch_displaced_insn_fixup should have the same effects on the
+   thread's memory and registers as stepping the instruction in place
+   would have.  Exactly which responsibilities fall to the copy and
+   which fall to the fixup is up to the author of those functions.
+   See the comments in for details.
+   Note that displaced stepping and software single-step cannot
+   currently be used in combination, although with some care I think
+   they could be made to.  Software single-step works by placing
+   breakpoints on all possible subsequent instructions; if the
+   displaced instruction is a PC-relative jump, those breakpoints
+   could fall in very strange places --- on pages that aren't
+   executable, or at addresses that are not proper instruction
+   boundaries.  (We do generally let other threads run while we wait
+   to hit the software single-step breakpoint, and they might
+   encounter such a corrupted instruction.)  One way to work around
+   this would be to have gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn fully
+   simulate the effect of PC-relative instructions (and return NULL)
+   on architectures that use software single-stepping.  */
+/* When this is non-zero, we use displaced stepping.  When this is
+   zero, we use traditional the hold-and-step approach.  */
+int use_displaced_stepping = 1;
+/* If this is not null_ptid, this is the thread carrying out a
+   displaced single-step.  This thread's state will require fixing up
+   once it has completed its step.  */
+static ptid_t displaced_step_ptid;
+/* The architecture the thread had when we stepped it.  */
+static struct gdbarch *displaced_step_gdbarch;
+/* The closure provided gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn, to be used
+   for post-step cleanup.  */
+static struct displaced_step_closure *displaced_step_closure;
+/* The address of the original instruction, and the copy we made.  */
+static CORE_ADDR displaced_step_original, displaced_step_copy;
+/* Saved contents of copy area.  */
+static gdb_byte *displaced_step_saved_copy;
+/* Clean out any stray displaced stepping state.  */
+static void
+displaced_step_clear (void)
+  /* Indicate that there is no cleanup pending.  */
+  displaced_step_ptid = null_ptid;
+  if (displaced_step_closure)
+    {
+      gdbarch_displaced_step_free_closure (displaced_step_gdbarch,
+                                           displaced_step_closure);
+      displaced_step_closure = NULL;
+    }
+static void
+cleanup_displaced_step_closure (void *ptr)
+  struct displaced_step_closure *closure = ptr;
+  gdbarch_displaced_step_free_closure (current_gdbarch, closure);
+/* Prepare to single-step, using displaced stepping.  */
+static void
+displaced_step_prepare (ptid_t ptid, enum target_signal sig)
+  struct cleanup *old_cleanups;
+  struct regcache *regcache = get_thread_regcache (ptid);
+  struct gdbarch *gdbarch = get_regcache_arch (regcache);
+  CORE_ADDR original, copy;
+  ULONGEST len;
+  gdb_byte *saved_copy;
+  struct displaced_step_closure *closure;
+  /* We should never reach this function if the architecture does not
+     support displaced stepping.  */
+  gdb_assert (gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn_p (gdbarch));
+  /* For the first cut, we're ruling out displaced stepping for more
+     than one thread at a time.  */
+  gdb_assert (ptid_equal (displaced_step_ptid, null_ptid));
+  displaced_step_clear ();
+  original = read_pc_pid (ptid);
+  /* If we have a breakpoint inserted at this address, which we have
+     decided to step at (GDB does do this from time to time), there's no
+     need to displace the instruction.  */
+  if (breakpoint_inserted_here_p (original))
+    return;
+  /* If we have a signal to deliver and an instruction to step over,
+     then after the step, there will be no indication from the target
+     whether the thread entered a signal handler or ignored the signal
+     and stepped over the instruction successfully.  Both cases result
+     in a simple SIGTRAP.
+     However, if we went into a signal handler, we must not try to fix
+     up the resulting state --- we never executed the instruction we
+     displaced.  So in order to use displaced stepping, we would need
+     to distinguish these two cases.
+     We avoid this problem simply by not using displaced stepping when
+     we're delivering a signal.  We leave the PC at the original
+     address, and ensure that a step-resume breakpoint is set and
+     inserted there; see infrun.c.  If we get the trap and the PC is
+     pointing at the breakpoint, then we'll just start the step again
+     from scratch --- but without the signal this time, as we know
+     it's been dealt with.
+     But let's check that this is working as intended.  At this point
+     we know we don't have a breakpoint inserted at the PC, so there
+     had better not be a signal.  */
+  gdb_assert (sig == TARGET_SIGNAL_0);
+  copy = gdbarch_displaced_step_location (gdbarch);
+  len = gdbarch_max_insn_length (gdbarch);
+  /* Save the original contents of the copy area.  */
+  saved_copy = xmalloc (len);
+  old_cleanups = make_cleanup (xfree, saved_copy);
+  read_memory (copy, saved_copy, len);
+  closure = gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn (gdbarch,
+                                              original, copy, regcache);
+  /* We don't support the fully-simulated case at present.  */
+  gdb_assert (closure);
+  make_cleanup (cleanup_displaced_step_closure, closure);
+  /* Resume execution at the copy.  */
+  write_pc_pid (copy, ptid);
+  discard_cleanups (old_cleanups);
+  if (debug_infrun)
+    fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog, "infrun: displaced pc to 0x%s\n",
+                        paddr_nz (copy));
+  /* Save the information we need to fix things up if the step
+     succeeds.  */ 
+  displaced_step_ptid = ptid;
+  displaced_step_gdbarch = gdbarch;
+  displaced_step_closure = closure;
+  displaced_step_original = original;
+  displaced_step_copy = copy;
+  displaced_step_saved_copy = saved_copy;
+static void
+displaced_step_clear_cleanup (void *ignore)
+  displaced_step_clear ();
+static void
+displaced_step_fixup (ptid_t event_ptid, enum target_signal signal)
+  struct cleanup *old_cleanups;
+  /* Was this event for the pid we displaced?  */
+  if (ptid_equal (displaced_step_ptid, null_ptid)
+      || ! ptid_equal (displaced_step_ptid, event_ptid))
+    return;
+  old_cleanups = make_cleanup (displaced_step_clear_cleanup, 0);
+  /* Restore the contents of the copy area.  */
+  {
+    ULONGEST len = gdbarch_max_insn_length (displaced_step_gdbarch);
+    write_memory (displaced_step_copy, displaced_step_saved_copy, len);
+  }
+  /* Did the instruction complete successfully?  */
+  if (signal == TARGET_SIGNAL_TRAP)
+    {
+      /* Fix up the resulting state.  */
+      gdbarch_displaced_step_fixup (displaced_step_gdbarch,
+                                    displaced_step_closure,
+                                    displaced_step_original,
+                                    displaced_step_copy,
+                                    get_thread_regcache (displaced_step_ptid));
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      /* Since the instruction didn't complete, all we can do is
+         relocate the PC.  */
+      CORE_ADDR pc = read_pc_pid (event_ptid);
+      pc = displaced_step_original + (pc - displaced_step_copy);
+      write_pc_pid (pc, event_ptid);
+    }
+  do_cleanups (old_cleanups);
+/* Resuming.  */
 /* Things to clean up if we QUIT out of resume ().  */
 static void
@@ -523,14 +781,12 @@ resume (int step, enum target_signal sig
   int should_resume = 1;
   struct cleanup *old_cleanups = make_cleanup (resume_cleanups, 0);
+  CORE_ADDR pc = read_pc ();
   if (debug_infrun)
     fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog, "infrun: resume (step=%d, signal=%d)\n",
 			step, sig);
-  /* FIXME: calling breakpoint_here_p (read_pc ()) three times! */
   /* Some targets (e.g. Solaris x86) have a kernel bug when stepping
      over an instruction that causes a page fault without triggering
@@ -548,7 +804,7 @@ resume (int step, enum target_signal sig
      removed or inserted, as appropriate.  The exception is if we're sitting
      at a permanent breakpoint; we need to step over it, but permanent
      breakpoints can't be removed.  So we have to test for it here.  */
-  if (breakpoint_here_p (read_pc ()) == permanent_breakpoint_here)
+  if (breakpoint_here_p (pc) == permanent_breakpoint_here)
       if (gdbarch_skip_permanent_breakpoint_p (current_gdbarch))
 	gdbarch_skip_permanent_breakpoint (current_gdbarch,
@@ -559,6 +815,9 @@ how to step past a permanent breakpoint 
 how to step past a permanent breakpoint on this architecture.  Try using\n\
 a command like `return' or `jump' to continue execution."));
+  if (stepping_over_breakpoint && use_displaced_stepping)
+    displaced_step_prepare (inferior_ptid, sig);
   if (step && gdbarch_software_single_step_p (current_gdbarch))
@@ -571,7 +830,7 @@ a command like `return' or `jump' to con
           `wait_for_inferior' */
           singlestep_breakpoints_inserted_p = 1;
           singlestep_ptid = inferior_ptid;
-          singlestep_pc = read_pc ();
+          singlestep_pc = pc;
@@ -627,8 +886,8 @@ a command like `return' or `jump' to con
       if ((step || singlestep_breakpoints_inserted_p)
-	  && breakpoint_here_p (read_pc ())
-	  && !breakpoint_inserted_here_p (read_pc ()))
+	  && breakpoint_here_p (pc)
+	  && !breakpoint_inserted_here_p (pc))
 	  /* We're stepping, have breakpoint at PC, and it's 
 	     not inserted.  Most likely, proceed has noticed that
@@ -656,7 +915,7 @@ a command like `return' or `jump' to con
 	  /* Most targets can step a breakpoint instruction, thus
 	     executing it normally.  But if this one cannot, just
 	     continue and we will hit it anyway.  */
-	  if (step && breakpoint_inserted_here_p (read_pc ()))
+	  if (step && breakpoint_inserted_here_p (pc))
 	    step = 0;
       target_resume (resume_ptid, step, sig);
@@ -665,6 +924,7 @@ a command like `return' or `jump' to con
   discard_cleanups (old_cleanups);
+/* Proceeding.  */
 /* Clear out all variables saying what to do when inferior is continued.
    First do this, then set the ones you want, then call `proceed'.  */
@@ -914,7 +1174,10 @@ init_wait_for_inferior (void)
   deferred_step_ptid = null_ptid;
   target_last_wait_ptid = minus_one_ptid;
+  displaced_step_clear ();
 /* This enum encodes possible reasons for doing a target_wait, so that
    wfi can call target_wait in one place.  (Ultimately the call will be
@@ -1601,6 +1864,11 @@ handle_inferior_event (struct execution_
       prepare_to_wait (ecs);
+  /* Do we need to clean up the state of a thread that has completed a
+     displaced single-step?  (Doing so usually affects the PC, so do
+     it here, before we set stop_pc.)  */
+  displaced_step_fixup (ecs->ptid, stop_signal);
   stop_pc = read_pc_pid (ecs->ptid);
@@ -2083,7 +2351,7 @@ process_event_stop_test:
 	  /* We were just starting a new sequence, attempting to
 	     single-step off of a breakpoint and expecting a SIGTRAP.
-	     Intead this signal arrives.  This signal will take us out
+	     Instead this signal arrives.  This signal will take us out
 	     of the stepping range so GDB needs to remember to, when
 	     the signal handler returns, resume stepping off that
 	     breakpoint.  */
@@ -2091,8 +2359,18 @@ process_event_stop_test:
 	     code paths as single-step - set a breakpoint at the
 	     signal return address and then, once hit, step off that
 	     breakpoint.  */
+          if (debug_infrun)
+            fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog,
+                                "infrun: signal arrived while stepping over "
+                                "breakpoint\n");
 	  insert_step_resume_breakpoint_at_frame (get_current_frame ());
+          /* We cannot use displaced stepping when we deliver a
+             signal, so make sure the step-resume breakpoint is
+             inserted early. The comments in displaced_step_prepare
+             explain why this is necessary.  */
+          if (use_displaced_stepping)
+            insert_breakpoints ();
 	  ecs->step_after_step_resume_breakpoint = 1;
 	  keep_going (ecs);
@@ -2114,6 +2392,11 @@ process_event_stop_test:
 	     Note that this is only needed for a signal delivered
 	     while in the single-step range.  Nested signals aren't a
 	     problem as they eventually all return.  */
+          if (debug_infrun)
+            fprintf_unfiltered (gdb_stdlog,
+                                "infrun: signal may take us out of "
+                                "single-step range\n");
 	  insert_step_resume_breakpoint_at_frame (get_current_frame ());
 	  keep_going (ecs);
@@ -4167,4 +4450,5 @@ function is skipped and the step command
   minus_one_ptid = ptid_build (-1, 0, 0);
   inferior_ptid = null_ptid;
   target_last_wait_ptid = minus_one_ptid;
+  displaced_step_ptid = null_ptid;
diff -r 3afe85e26f07 gdb/linux-thread-db.c
--- a/gdb/linux-thread-db.c	Fri Dec 07 13:39:22 2007 -0800
+++ b/gdb/linux-thread-db.c	Fri Dec 07 23:08:52 2007 -0800
@@ -648,6 +648,7 @@ check_for_thread_db (void)
       enable_thread_event_reporting ();
       thread_db_find_new_threads ();
+      inferior_ptid = thread_from_lwp (inferior_ptid);

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