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Re: No line number info debugging kernel modules with gdb (gdb 6.7 branch)

ringlej <ringlej at> writes:
> Jim Blandy wrote:
>> Jon Ringle <jon_at_ringle_dot_org> writes:
> Can you configure your email client to not insert email addresses in
> the clear in the body of your message? Email addresses in the headers
> get automatically obfuscated by the mailing list, but if the body of
> your message has email addresses they are left as is and are readily
> available for harvesting by spam bots (mine in this case). Thanks.

Sorry --- I've done that.  Thanks for pointing it out to me.

>>> Jim Blandy wrote:
>>>> Hum.  What do 'maint info psymtabs' and 'maint info symtabs' say after
>>>> you've set the breakpoint?
>>> Trying to send the attachment again...
>> Okay, I got a copy of that attachment; thanks.
>> Could you start GDB, set the breakpoint and try listing the function
>> again, then do 'maint print symbols SOME-FILE dstchar.c' (or
>> perhaps use the full pathname for dstchar.c), and then post the
>> contents of SOME-FILE?
>> If GDB has line number information for that compilation unit, then
>> find_pc_sect_line ought to be able to find the source line for your
>> function's PC.  I'd like to see whether it does have that information.
> Attached.

Okay.  Some of the line table entries have been relocated into the
module's actual range (0xbf13100 on up), but others still look to me
like offsets within the .ko.  Can you post the output from running
'readelf -wil' on your .ko file?

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