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Re: GDB 6.6, remote, more threads

On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 06:43:44PM +0200, Roland Puntaier wrote:
> Hello,
> The following behavior looks strange to me. Could this be a bug in GDB? Or 
> maybe I simply miss something.
> I have a program with two threads I set up to test my gdbServer. Each 
> thread function has 3 lines of code and every line has a breakpoint.
> I do successive 'c's at the Gdb prompt.
> Here Gdb gets 'T0505...08:5b698303;..' corresponding to one breakpoint 
> ($Z0,383695b,1#b7).
> So GdbServer tells Gdb that a breakpoint was hit, but Gdb ignores it and 
> does a 'vCont;c' again.

Try "set debug infrun 1" to see what's going on.  What target is this?

Daniel Jacobowitz

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