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Re: Segfault in varobj.c

Robert Norton writes:
 > Hi,
 > I encountered a segfault whilst using our port of GDB with Eclipse. It
 > occurs when I add a number of global variables in the variables view and
 > expand them. Occasionally I observe something like the following in the
 > MI console:
 > (gdb) 
 > 2247-var-list-children
 > var2.tx_ready_next.tx_ready_next.tx_ready_next.tx_suspended_next.tx_thre
 > ad_name
 > warning: Child of parent whose type does not allow children
 > &"warning: Child of parent whose type does not allow children\n"
 > Followed by gdb segfaulting. On loading the core file I observe:

It might be more useful to set the breakpoint on the line where the initial
warning was issued.

This is your port of GDB and it's based on an old version of FSF GDB.  Does
it happen with FSF GDB or, at least, your port based on up-to-date FSF GDB?


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